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Everything posted by HalAndLois

  1. People who didn't read the article but are fascinated by the sound of their own voice would say this, because the article explicitly says that the sidewalks are covered by warranty.
  2. I had to read this twice. What she's saying is that other Asian currencies are appreciating against the dollar just as the baht is. I mean, she's a pin head, because all this means is that the other currencies are holding their own, but apparently she's implying that this won't affect those wonderful Chinese tourists and those nonexistent Japanese tourists because their currencies are holding steady. Of course, it will mean fewer freespending Americans, but as I said she's a pin head.
  3. After assuring us that the senile, incoherent Joe Biden was perfectly fine for the last 4 years, the left now tries accusing its opposition of the exactly what they are guilty of. It's like the left's playbook. After Biden literally blackmailed Ukraine illegally from investigating his corrupt son for giving kickbacks to Biden, they impeached Trump for asking for an investigation into the ridiculously obvious corruption. I kid you not. If you want to know what the left is doing, just look at what they're accusing others of doing. Also, this website rivals reddit for the dumbest place on the internet. With this latest stupidity, I've unsubscribed from moron central aseannow.
  4. You make this entire site sound stupid with ridiculous accusations like this.
  5. Never crossed my mind that the children decanted in Brave New World were clones.
  6. Yeah, sorry how you let the truth slip out there, something you avoid whenever possible in your posts and comments. Incidentally, is there any way I can block posts and comments by this loser? He makes me avoid this website.
  7. I love how you're completely unconstrained by the facts of what actually happened, how you just make up a bunch of things that would make your pre-existing opinion (it was the Canadian's fault) seem correct.
  8. No one, ever, said these things about that cackling lightweight previously. Never.
  9. First, it's probably a lie, because everything out of this administration is a lie. Second, didn't Joe assure is that if we got the clot shot, we wouldn't get COVID? Third, why in the world would anyone vote someone who made up crazy <deleted> to try to ban gas stoves and made up crazy <deleted> to ban gasoline cars. I don't recall the previous administration trying to dictate the minutia of my life.
  10. No one contested that she broke Russian law. She did. Yet Biden traded Viktor Bout, an imprisoned arms dealer, to free this piece of garbage. She should have served out her well-earned prison sentence and Viktor Bout should still be in prison.
  11. Now doubt she came out ahead, but your disregarding the 1000 pounds a year she lost for the previous ten years.
  12. This is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read. Yes, be afraid of something that has never happened in the history of the world, stainless steel concentrating sunlight like a magnifying glass and starting a fire. I've begun to fear for the future of humanity, it's gotten so stupid.
  13. Yes, defrocking has never been a sever enough penalty. Let's disrobe them all too!
  14. The cops are investigating whether the man was specifically targeted. You mean a guy who withdraws $100,000 and is immediately robbed might have been the victim of an inside job? I'm glad these crack sleuths are on the case.
  15. Tell him he should switch to Cuban style Goya black beans, "only" $3.50 at Villa Supermarket.
  16. I've never met a woman who talked like Magellan's navigator but you hear all kinds of farfetched things from people in Thailand. As for Kazakstan's opinion on anything, who values the opinion of a country which such inferior potassium and I fart in their general direction. Oops, wrong movie.
  17. I think you might take it to an extreme but I agree with your general sentiment. They are criminals and their criminal behavior should be eradicated. I was so happy the last time that I visited NYC because there were no taxis. Lyft and Uber had eradicated the criminal taxi driver population. They are the most unskilled, uneducated, part of the population who have nothing to offer but the most basic skill of driving, and all they do is exploit that menial skill to rob foreigners, tourists, and the poor who can't afford a car.
  18. You sound old. There are no keys anymore. There are fobs that you keep in your pocket. Of course, they are much worse than keys, but they are cheaper to produce than a lock and key system so you pay $40,000 for a car and get a <deleted>ty fob because it saves the manufacturer 37 cents.
  19. To be fair, most of the extreme speedsters eradicate themselves and no one else.
  20. "However, they quickly grew distracted and started watching TikTok videos and eating Doritos."
  21. Great job recruiting more Indians who hardly drink and hold up calculators to the girls as they negotiate for a 4x1 group discount. I literally saw this the other day. The girl just shook her head in disgust.
  22. Sorry that most of the comments here are unhelpful and stupid. Of course, this crosses everyone's mind. If you go into any drugstore, you will almost certainly see prominently displayed drugs ending with -vir. They are herpes treatments. Apparently, herpes is rampant here.
  23. >"These Trump positions share more in common with Karl Marx than Adam Smith," Ain't nobody buying that. Just another hatchet job from another leftist published by the same leftist rag that claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation (whatever that is).
  24. A bit scary how all logic and rational thought immediately go out the window upon the mere allegation of this crime.
  25. I actually did go to Pattaya City Hospital first. I arrived at 8:15am and took a number, B-20. The screen showed they were on B-89. Note that this isn't a queue to see a doctor -- it's just the queue to get in the door and talk to the information desk at which point, no doubt, you'll get to take another number. Anyway, I could see it was going to be a while so I went and had breakfast and came back around 9am. They were on B-40. It was going to be another 2 1/2 hours just to get in the door. I could tell it was going to be an all day affair which is when I decided to go to Pattaya Memorial. I was in and out in about 45 minutes and had a very pleasant experience which probably would not have been the case at Pattaya City, so the difference of $30 or $35 was worth it to me.
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