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  1. I have contacted Thai Visa Express, and probably will use Paul. More expensive but more trustworthy. Just waiting for some details from my friend in Thailand, then will forward it off to TVE Thank you.
  2. Looking at applying for a UK Visitor visa for my friend in Patong to visit UK in August for a few weeks, no problems at my end regard sponsorship and accommodation. Asked 2 visa agents in 1 in Bangkok, with an office in Phuket and 1 in Patong, both insisting she need to travel to Bangkok British embassy, but i thought it was done by VFS in Phuket? Plus Bangkok is 12 hours by bus so she will lose 3 days work. 1 agent said they will accompany her to the Embassy but visa fees not included making them very expensive, and other does include fees, and based only 15 minutes walk from her work. I would try to do it myself but worried if i make a mistake on the forms, and she doesn't have an email address yet, think of setting 1 up solely for visa application that we can both use? So does she have to go to Bangkok Embassy? or just use VFS in Phuket? Thanks in advance?
  3. Another factor is my age, I want to stop working in 5 or 6 years before i am 65 years old. I will be having some savings soon, and thanks to the last 2 posters for positive comments. Regards payments i thginkshe is making what she can afford to pay, just got back and I think I get the impression, apart from being deeply in love with me becuase she seems so caring and kind, always holding my hand and her smile is beaming after a few days with me, she wants to escape Thailand. Going back over in June and hopefully have news about visa for her, and her divorce being finalsed.
  4. A quick update for all the doubters and naysayers. Turned up unexpected on Monday, she is working, see me at table and yelped and starts crying. Runs over and hugs me saying I am a week early. I had already booked a room in hotel opposite for 1 night with option to extend. Any way we are in Karon and talking. And the best part is her debt. 150000 baht I could pay it off and she pay me back. But I want her to pay the debt her self if she was to move to England. She says something about reconciliation of debt. Her English is not the best Planning for visitors visa in August for 2 months.
  5. I think it is because she has no one close there, And again i tried to ask about the debt, not to pay it off but if there was any help . She said again it is credit card, and she will pay it of her self. I won't help her out financially. Maybe see if there is help available. But I do think she is either being very clever, or is not very smart person, immature I would say.
  6. Thanks, as you say i am taking my time. Being cautious, and rereading messages. . I feel it is at least 75% true, trying to put pieces together as I go on. The main thing is trust, which for me is hard due my past relationships. But the one thing is she has not asked me for any money, or had a single baht off me yet, since the meal when I first saw her. And has offered to pay for meals when we are out a few times. Offered next time I visit later this year, we go and visit Kalasin, but she doesn't want to go back she says.
  7. Met 3 times in last year, with 1 week alone together. Keep in touch every day.
  8. Again thanks Mike, I feel comfortable in her company when we are together, but i am also in my mind questioning her replies to me, 99% are good, rest maybe because of translation and also my past trust of women. Again I am keeping an open mind, ready to drop and block all contact if anything is wrong.
  9. Thanks Mike, but I am approaching 60 and time I feel is not on my side. I am doing what I can, and google translate is good on transcribe 😉 only people she did speak to was her friend and a work colleague , her boss i think. Nothing to worry about after I re-read the transcripts. But me being me, I still have a very tiny bit of doubt in my mind, say 1%. Bearing in mind I have had a couple bad experiences in past with women.
  10. Did she have any assets in Thailand? Or was the lob being still open enough? Thanks
  11. myself i prefer a bit more meat to hold on to, but not large, or skinny
  12. It will be interesting to see her reaction. I am keeping an open mind. Also meeting with another friend who is on holiday there. So won't be a wasted journey if it doesn't go well. But this time staying in Karon. May as well try different places.
  13. I will have access to savings in a few years time. I don't have a mortgage any more and own my house. Meant to add why no savings as I put a lot of my wages into pension pot via salary sacrifice, and paid of mortgage last as well. I am not making any decisions until I go over in March, awaiting to see her reaction when I show up unexpectedly. At present I am not 100% committed yet, until I know her better as well. Yes she may be trying to con me. Or she may be genuine, a lonely woman with no family to help her. But I am making sure I won't be taken advantage of again.
  14. Thank you, maybe i should have worded my question better? And sorry if I offended anyone. But it was the way i got initial replies, thinking that I would have practical advice? Before I went Thailand I heard all about the bargirls and other scams, massages etc, I experienced it but didn't fall into that trap. Regardless of the girls motive, I was just looking for any possible answers in the long term. I didn't go to Patong looking for love, or sex for that matter. Just to get away from a few things at home. And visit Thailand, something I have always wanted to do. And also Patong isn't really my scene, a few day maybe for the experience. Try to avoid the center, beach, bangla road area when I visit there. Prefer Old Town. And my number 1 concern is the debt, I don't want it to bite me on the arse, and I think she may not get a visitor visa to UK. But looking forward to surprising her in a couple of months, will get a better idea from her response when I show up unexpectedly.
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