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Everything posted by fortz

  1. I can dye it green if you don't fancy orange, and I am 75, so thanks for the compliment!
  2. Post of the day.....brilliant
  3. Spelling the word "intention" wrong 3 times shows that this word is too big for you. The word "tension" has one less syllable and may be what you are freudian slipping about....awrightttt??!!?
  4. fortz

    Cod and Haddock

    People are weighing their food after cooking it??????What has become of this world?
  5. Do you have a link to any website where this is explained? According to the link below, FSI is only taxable if it is received in Malaysia. https://www.taxathand.com/article/28412/Malaysia/2023/Revised-guidelines-issued-on-tax-treatment-of-foreign-source-income
  6. Can you clarify this? I thought Malaysia was still a territorial based tax system, with only remittances subject to tax?
  7. Completely incorrect. You are conflating tax by nationality with tax by residency. Tax residents of Australia are are subject to Australian tax on worldwide income. Non-residents are subject to Australian tax on Australian-source income only. An exemption from Australian tax on certain income is available for individuals who qualify as a temporary resident. https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/australia/individual/taxes-on-personal-income Quote
  8. Got a headache reading that. Suggest you purchase the book Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
  9. Actually, it doesn't. Do you mean headline or core inflation?
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