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  1. I couldn't disagree but when things are still decently under control then it shouldn't bring any danger to anyone; likewise we should better not ban elderly from crossing the road just because they're slower than us, aren't we? probably the mistake is on the over speeding drivers who is fast with honk but too slow with his brake.
  2. Never knew such accident can occur from smoking dope only. Yes I get slower when I'm high on dope, but probably not reckless nor losing touch with reality.
  3. Just do it fast please, the result will signify daily life
  4. why do I feel like the war on weed is actually war on farmers/growers or probably am I wrong, the weed farmer are more privileged than weed smokers and dealers in black market? doesn't it means trap to keep the chain supply but with illegal status?
  5. I'm too old for parties' culture hustle and bustle but don't mind at all if anyone enjoy such. So I fall into the last tourist category. I enjoy Thai's street food paradise, beach resort amenities and landmarks, I do smoke everyday for relaxing purpose only in hotel's balcony, some exception if the shop/cafe provide room facility. Cannabis culture is the big bonus for me that put Thailand on the top of my favorite happy place. If it were only for beaches scenery and booze, I can have these in Bali but very much reluctant for the black market's offers Weed is still illegal in my home country and there are several popular bad stories going around that local police used to act as weed seller only later to be caught by their friends in uniform, no tourist trap for me, I won't take the risk anymore.
  6. Wonder where they done this Asking for a friend
  7. IDK I'm not sure, sellers never asked me for ID when I buy weed in Thailand, so there's no comprehensive database of users like in the US or Spain, but probably they can start sorting out Google reviews of shops because that's where I left some of my cannabis footage 🥲
  8. Yeah, I see it more political rather than scientific or medical issue. We have to pay them all with our money and freedom, sadly bad things are in the making. Hopefully in the end there will be a win win for all. Can't imagine over capacity of prisons and workloads to bear by law enforcement for the misconduct. Why can't just they focus on corruption and illegal immigration or such.
  9. I think Thailand will be the first in the world for the re-criminalization of cannabis scheme if that bounds to happen. As far as Google search, there's no country ever gone through that way back down. Though in Oregon and Washington (CMIIW), drugs such as heroin, cocaine, etc (but not including cannabis) are being re-criminalized.
  10. You mean Criminalization or Re-criminalization, I suppose
  11. exactly Probably yes, for those who can't make it offline due to some conditions, maybe something like NYC-Dublin portal - closed recently so we can borrow it haha My bad. Great idea though, can we have it one more time please; According to latest news the prohibition will start 1st April 2025. Still have time to make on 31st March
  12. YouTube comment section is too heavy for a losing mom ... I stumbled on this link few days ago https://cannactiva.com/en/marijuana-evolution/
  13. 1. I nodded (again) on third paragraph: //People with cannabis use disorder are unable to stop using cannabis despite it causing negative consequences in their lives.// Exactly the same level of understanding from my previous reply (stopped there), please scroll up. 2. On the 6th paragraph: //To address this research gap, investigators analyzed data from nationwide health registers in Denmark, which included health records data from more than 6.9 million people who were aged 16-49 at some point between 1972 and 2021.// How to correlate Denmark's 1972 data, while the USA had just only coined the term CUD in 1994? There must be something missed or needed some explanation here. 3. The first time the term "Cannabis Use Disorder/CUD" mentioned in the footnote: "Compton WM, Grant BF, Colliver JD, Glantz MD, Stinson FS. Prevalence of marijuana use disorders in the United States: 1991–1992 and 2001–2002." before those psychiatrist officialy made it listed in DSM-IV (1994, two years later). It's a lil bit funny to think by that period of time USA is forefront in war against cannabis, but hey ... NOW some progressive parts of USA has been in recreational mode already. Lastly from my own experience, the problem with modern Psychiatry is that they have been inventing new mental diseases every year, only to sell drugs and grey therapy to patients. I hardly can say I won't take this journal because it seems they are less reliable than scientific. It depends on your judgement because when you're an adult seeking for cure, it's your mental health and your drug of choice, we both can agree this must not be enforced by whomever for whatever the reason; but for youngsters there's already law in place must be enforced that they are not allowed to benefit from this plant.
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