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  1. For the “it wasn’t a bullet crowd”. By all means the forum MD’s are welcome to submit their report.
  2. Waiting for your fellow liberals to critique your writing, grammar and punctuation skills. That’s usually reserved for the Trumpers but maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll make an exception. Not holding my breath. @Lacessit Where are you when we need you?
  3. Not to worry. No desire to “track” you. You’re not that important. Canada. Ah yes. Our little brother to the north. An American with a Parka and Snowshoes. Big brother will take the flak and watch over you. Some time ago I read where Canada is looking for immigrants. Would you support having buses, trains or planes at our Southern Border to take the “immigrants” that just entered our country illegally and have them transported to Canada? It could be a win win for both countries. Or do you prefer the elites (Obama) on Martha’s Vineyard attitude, “Not in my backyard “?
  4. Oh, I can see why but not for the reasons you stated.
  5. Quite a few valid points. There may be hope for you yet. Educated in the USA you claim but won’t say where. Embarrassed? Was is DeVry, Trump U or the Center for Humanistic Studies? What great country are you from? No need to be embarrassed to admit. You should be proud like Trump and the people who support him are for being American. I suppose that is why you’re always on the American politics threads. I detect some jealousy. Am I correct?
  6. It was a deflection. Nothing to do with Trump. Until you wrongly made it a Trump issue. So which of the two in the link told the most lies? I realize you’re STUMPED without a way out. You have already lost face so to quote one of your beloved evil female liberals. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE
  7. It was a no brainer I would get your attention. You identify with both. Easy day. Or was it Alcazar? Hard to keep track of your types and the pronouns.
  8. Good post! Mayorkas should of been gone years ago. The imbeciles now have their own version of January 6th. During Netanyahu’s visit. I’ve noticed the forum liberals are steering clear of that clusterfuc-. Even they can’t justify it. “comic relief “. San Diego is having the world famous Comic Con this weekend. Harris needs no costume. Her cons are justified. Last is the Coronation of Queen Kamala. Her Brit supporters here can identify.
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