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  1. The traffic is getting really bad. Not just on weekends anymore and doesn't seem to matter if it's low or high season. Totally ruins the place for me. Any kind of special event, like the fireworks, and it's a gong show. At least with Bangkok, you can take mass transit. No such option in Pattaya.
  2. I don't think it should matter how much you make since you also need to show a minimum of 500k baht in a bank account. I don't see any benefit to telling them that you make more than the minimum.
  3. I thought this thread was about what a poopy-face Darth Cheney is for voting Democrat instead of embracing the dark side and how this is somehow good news for Republicans?
  4. There isn't even a Republican platform left besides more tax cuts for the rich.
  5. Just go online to the evisa website and start the process. You can save it as a draft and come back later. You will see that they ask for travel dates, port of arrival, inbound flight number, and accommodation in Thailand, but don't require any documentation for it on the application. Of course they may ask for that as a follow up via email, but they don't on the online application. Based on all that, I would say that ideally you should have your flight already booked but don't necessarily need to have your accommodation booked. Just put down where you think you might be staying. If they follow up with an email asking for a booking confirmation, then go on agoda and make a cancellable reservation for two nights. I haven't heard of anyone being asked for that additional documentation but it's possible. I have done that exact thing before when applying for a tourist visa after they wouldn't accept my PDF of an email confirmation at a condo but with the DTV they don't ask for that documentation in the first place.
  6. Just imagine all the non-stop faux outrage and pearl clutching from MAGA world if Kamala was running around on the campaign trail cheating on her husband with some younger guy.
  7. Already legal in much of the western world. What went wrong exactly? Drunks and extended bar opening hours cause far more problems.
  8. Those are all islands, hence the "Koh", and most of those are ruined as well. I prefer the mainland.
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