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Everything posted by FroeyD

  1. This can be expected when normalizing freaks into any society.💁🏼‍♂️
  2. Yes there are several criminal organizations worldwide and it’s not because you can’t name any of the members that it doesn’t make it a fact.💁🏼‍♂️ can you name any members of thousands of members of Mexican cartels(or any other organized crime groups) besides the bosses who’s names may have been published in medias?? does that mean they do not exist and it is “BS” ???
  3. Yes 100% 👏 and anybody who has dealt with them knows this. unfortunately most haven’t and comments like this are considered bigotry by those ignorants.
  4. Though I agree that it is not normal and wrong to take another persons life I think it is something most, if not all of us have the capability of doing depending on which of our “buttons” are pushed or just the situation Without necessarily being a “pathological maniac”
  5. U less the guy(s) didn’t know they were ladyboys I have no pity for them or the fact that they were injured.
  6. oh really?? 🤔🤔 San Francisco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMGJ71xiaek Iraq war https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna22794451 sexualization of children https://www.heritage.org/marriage-and-family/commentary/we-must-fight-the-sexualization-children-adults https://foothilldragonpress.org/25919/opinion/c97-bp/americans-sexualize-children-unnecessarily/ Threatening African nations into accepting lgbtq https://theconversation.com/us-talks-sanctions-against-uganda-after-a-harsh-anti-gay-law-but-criminalizing-same-sex-activities-has-become-a-political-tactic-globally-206352 https://scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1014&context=agsjournal 💁🏼‍♂️💁🏼‍♂️How you like that?
  7. Maybe I would be Yes, many people are. what makes you consider the facts I stated as “propaganda”💁🏼‍♂️ Is it simply the fact that you do not agree with them, are you claiming the examples I gave to be un factual??
  8. My post was in response to “morch” giving just a few examples that the US started embarrassing itself long before Trump was even interested in politics. ”what I was trying to achieve” well just to prove a point which I believe I did. You can call it a rant if it makes you happy but everything I stated is factual. The truth hurst don’t it?
  9. So, you feel that the false pretext that was used to attack Iraq and kill thousands or even hundreds of thousands is not embarrassing. the fact that cities such as San Francisco that were amongst the most amazing and attractive cities to live in have become literal <deleted> holes where people shoot up hard drugs and defecate in public for everyone to see is not embarrassing. is it not embarrassing for the most powerful nation on earth to have actual slums as is the case in LA and other major cities such as New Jersey, Chicago, Huston. you think pushing gender fluidity on to the public and sexualizing children from as young as 3 years old with school activities such as “Drag queen story hour” (just to give one example) is normal? I bet you think it is normal to threaten foreign nations such as in Africa in to accepting lgbtq ideology or risk being punished with economic sanctions is normal coming from a supposed democracy ahhh,….i see, so you’re one of those kinds of people🤔
  10. Really don’t understand the thing with labeling someone/people as “hater(s)” makes no sense to me, I mean doesn’t everybody have something they hate about others behavior is hate not part of the vast spectrum of human feelings just as is love, Are we not free to love or hate who we want for whatever reason we choose??
  11. Yes my bad. cause you said statements so wasn’t sure what you were referring to.
  12. Exactly, you “have been raised to distrust Russia” the rest of the world was raised to trust and praise America but have learned over time and thanks to many examples not to trust the US which is responsible for more conflicts and instability worldwide in the last hundred plus years that any other nation. And is the only country to have ever nuked another……twice.
  13. Yes 100% they have gone too far on so many subjects. but to give just one,…any country that pushes and spreads worldwide madness such as gender fluidity or lgbtq ideology deserves to be screwed and screwed hard. (and I was raised in America practically from birth) but, I still support Trump over Biden.
  14. I would say that is simply because we are lucky enough in western societies that most people get schooling and go through the educational system because we are taught that it is the right path to succeed so if more go to school more have a chance of going all the way (degrees, diplomas, etc) seems to be mathematical.
  15. So They don’t have a degree do they?? but ok If you want 🙄🙄……though like I said there are many many others who didn’t study at Harvard or any other prestigious universities and some of which are even high school drop outs.
  16. Being smart has nothing to do with having college degree or not, many men without college degrees are very successful. Bill Gates Mark Zuckerberg Richard Branson Henry Ford Larry Ellison and many many more
  17. Societies have always judged men as great precisely by the “battles” they have “waged”. and for most these men battling is what keeps them alive. but hey, you can’t expect just anybody to understand greatness💁🏼‍♂️
  18. What about unemployment? Economy & Jobs – The White House National Archives | (.gov) https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › issues › econ... Jan 15, 2021 — Under the Trump Administration, more Americans were employed than ever before—160 million—and the unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low.
  19. Yes “everyone makes gaffes” butDo a quick internet search and count how many examples (written or filmed )there are of Biden loosing his train of thought and people speaking of his mental decline and compare to how many there are of Trump.
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