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Everything posted by guru

  1. Thanks butty. I don’t suppose you know if they have this vacuum assisted biopsy equipment there? My wife would ideally like to avoid surgical excision biopsy and hopefully namarak or elsewhere will be able to obtain a biopsy sample using this vacuum assisted needle method suggested by Sheryl. The syringe needle method attempted at Sukhumvit hospital could not obtain a sample.
  2. They may well pay and fingers crossed they do but I fear the plan she has via her company is basic and does not have very high coverage. For the imaging and aborted biopsy sample attempt, we had to pay Sukhumvit Hospital the majority of the bill in excess of what AIA covered.
  3. We’ve made contact with Namarak and they’ve quoted 63k for VABB. They have requested that we have all the records in hand from Sukhumvit hospital before they will schedule an appointment. We got a dvd yesterday of the imaging but still waiting for the signed doctor records as he wasn’t there. We can manage Namarak’s 63k VABB (Bumrungrad’s price is 71k on their website) but just in case anybody knows of anywhere cheaper for the same procedure then that would also help in case funds are needed for any next steps. She is Thai and has basic AIA insurance through her work. I can’t imagine they will pay all or much of the 63k but we will submit and see what they say. She also has social security and her hospital for that is Sikarin. Thank you to all for your advice and kind words.
  4. Thank you to everyone and especially Sheryl. We will certainly try namarak and this VABB procedure sounds better. My wife was extremely anxious about surgery.
  5. So my wife felt something, went in for breast cancer screening at Sukhumvit Hospital, had a mammogram/ultrasound and the report said BIRADS 4a with a biopsy recommendation. The doctor tried to take a biopsy sample using a syringe but he said the mass was solid and could not obtain a sample. He has now recommended surgical excision for biopsy. For the surgery, he gave a choice of outpatient local anaesthetic at 27k or 1 night stay general anaesthetic at 89k. He recommends the general. My wife didn’t cope too well with the syringe needle pain today nor the sight of blood but there wasn’t any local anaesthetic used. Is it worth getting a second opinion elsewhere or does this sound standard? Ta
  6. PTM seems to stand for Police Ticket Management in this instance. source: https://mgronline.com/politics/detail/9660000002549
  7. I think this website is only for those with Thai ID cards? To register, it requires an ID number and also the laser ID number on the back of a Thai ID card as mandatory fields to fill in.
  8. Yeah those speeding tickets I’ve had through the post can be read by my banking apps but this barcode on this hand written ticket is not readable by anything in my or Krungthai’s arsenal. It evens says on the back of the ticket that you can pay through a bank, atms, internet banking or wherever the PTM logo is displayed. Whatever PTM is.
  9. So I got a speeding ticket from an officer who flagged me down at a checkpoint after his mate snapped me on his speed camera earlier. No disputing the fine but paying it has not been so easy this year. A few years back, I got stopped in a different province, paid my 500 baht directly at the desk at the checkpoint and off I went on my merry way. This year, I wasn’t allowed to pay at the checkpoint and was told to go to Krungthai bank within 7 days. I wasn’t concerned as I had previously had a speeding ticket through the post and paying that all went smoothly at my local Krungthai bank in central Bangkok. However, this side of the road ticket is in a different format and the Krungthai barcode reader couldn’t recognize the barcode and the lady told me to go to the police station as this barcode is only readable by police station barcode scanners. I tried Krungthai bank head office at ploenchit and got the same puzzled looks, saying go to the police station because there is no number for her to input. I told them the police at the checkpoint told me I must go to Krungthai bank or use Krungthai phone app. I asked her if it was possible to key in the barcode number instead? This was a question rather than an instruction. Anyway she did it. I said great, so it works? She said she didn’t know, just did as I instructed and it was too late to delete now and I would have to pay the 500(+20 baht fee). So I did. I will obviously keep the receipt safe but does anyone know if this manual keying in of the barcode number with my name and passport number works?
  10. I enjoyed Rescue Dawn from that list. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462504/
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