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Everything posted by Thonburi-tales

  1. Hes not Australian. Hes got at Aussie accent but hes just one of these nasty immigrants who Canberra dishes out passports to. What on earth is he doing here? Hes crazy. He would get bashed in Sydney or Melbourne behaving like that. Shot in America for sure. Thais will start retaliating soon.
  2. Thats a Brit? Sounds like UK didnt want him not the other way round. Failed in England try Thailand instead. How did the media find out about this rando?
  3. Just alot of chest beating. Cops are far too lazy to check thousands of foreigners not to mention language issues. It'll blow over very quickly especially with Songkran booze up looming. The Swiss kicked the wrong Thai. Unless he shells out the cash she may actually get him booted out. If money not an issue -and she is a doctor on a good salary- farang big problem. The creepy wife threatining to kill her with no consequences doesnt help.
  4. Thailand always talks about how its going to be a hub for this or that. At the end of the day Thailand will only be a hub for prostitution corruption and crime. Nothing ever changes here. The media is rubbish. Theyre doing PR for the top brass as always.
  5. Police have obviously determined this farang has real money. Drag it out make him sweat and he'll either go to court which is dangerous or pay a 100k fine.
  6. Sounds like he picked the wrong Thai to mess with. A 10k fine would have done it but they've now charged him.? He's formely booked. Thats a problem. The nerd may have to pack up his rental wife and head back to Sweeezerlan not far from Jellomany.
  7. Seal of Trust sticker. lol Absolute classic Thailand 101. Dont seriously address the issue just hand out awards and medals to honest(sic) drivers. Same with work safety. Just put stickers/posters on boats or buildings with a hard hat image and thats good enough;!!!
  8. Nice one! I hope the money ends up with the kids but somehow i doubt it. Dont let any Thai officials near it otherwise its gone.
  9. Tuk tuks are death traps on 3 wheels. Theyre not legal transport nor are samlors. Pay the cops. Even motorbike taxis are illegal. I think it was PM Thaksin who made them all wear a numbered vest. Making Thais display the fare to tourists is absurd. Will never happen. 30b or 40b for long trips(for locals) is not for tourists. They do it Laos. A samlor driver came up to me with the fare table on cardboard backing and i started laughing. He didnt appreciate it.
  10. Assuming of course the cops arent gambling or engaged in activities at a local brothel. The corner booth near my place is supposed to have bike cops but you rarely spot them thesedays. They never do any traffic enforcement. Cops are lazy in LOS.
  11. NZ is a tiny market so why bother with this.
  12. How did he manage to do all that? Was she sitting on his lap facing him? Its possible considering shes a lonely 37 y/ old wandering around after midnight.
  13. Yes. Most Irish are dead.
  14. The British sure do love the ladyboys. Always have. What was he thinking taking 3 of them back to his room. What a mess!!! lol Lucky he's not laying in the morgue. Ladyboys couldnt give a stuff about farangs. Theyre just poor village punks who want to empty your wallet.
  15. I would have thought every American male has a rap sheet for gun offences and unruly behaviour. Goes without saying in Texas doesnt it. 6000b for a night in a provincial hotel??? jesus I pay that per month for a two storey home just over the river from Chinatown. Thailand is a 3rd rate tourist destination that charges 5 star prices. I havent been down to Pattaya or Phuket in over 20years. Overated dumps full of old farang and dirty cops.
  16. Even staff at the metro electricity and water boards can get cheap home and car loans. The whole system of governance is rotten. Shopping malls still give credit to people buying tvs and a/c. Alot of Thais make a few repayments and quit. Ive seen thais pack up the truck with personnal valuables then the kids and drive out of the soi at 4am turn left and never to be seen again. Happens everyday in Bangkok. Never loan money to Thais.
  17. For a rando cop to rise through the ranks as fast as he did it must of cost atleast 20million baht. Apparently hes got wealthy family based in Los Angeles. These Thai cops are so corrupt its pointless trying to reform a system that is steeped in tradition. Big Joke has obviously stepped on the wrong toes on his rise up to BBB stardom. Hes been in serious trouble on and off for several years now. Should of stayed in the USA and picked fruit with Guatemalans.
  18. No problem in Bangkok. My electricity bill was only 570b last month might be even less this month. Didnt even use the fan last night. Hardly use a/c over past 8-9 months. Much cooler in BKK. F##k the coastal towns. Havent been to the beach in many years and im an aussie.
  19. Thaksin has just as many poweful enemies as friends but he plans ahead. He knew this was coming. He's in the billionaire Bangkok elite club. Case dismissed due to lack of evidence or just a misunderstanding. Isan peasants and dark southerners go to prison. Bangkok elite go shopping at Siam Paragon and have a 30k lunch at Ho Kitchen. TIT
  20. Yep, for years the British have been lustful for katoey here in Thailand. Alcohol has completely adled them. That poor flight attendant should sue that P.O.S bar knob. THAI should also sue for damages. Doesnt he own a shirt. Pretty cold in the UK in Feb. <deleted> idiot.
  21. ",..,alcohol curfew talks hit a hiccup.." yeah, very clever brilliant play on words. The BP really are a class act.
  22. 50 million baht is nothing. Would barely cover a few hundred tourists killed or injured in motorbike accidents. The key is tourist visas only. Most tourists dont have a visa but simply a stamp in passport on arrival especially high risk tourists like the British and Russians. This PR stunt will not stop the Brits appearing on Go Fund Me. No chance. Carry on!
  23. Probably because thats where he met her. Shes likely one of them. Thousands of farangs have married gogo girls and shipped them back to Europe. Alot of them are still married to a Thai.
  24. You obviously dont live in Thailand. Hundreds of farangs have been killed here in the 20 years ive lived in BKK. And middle aged foteign men do not have legitimate girlfriends particularly in a dump like Pattaya. Theyre bar girls, soi walkers and internet sloths.. If youre a troll posting o/seas go away and do something else.
  25. They'd have to move fast straight to Cambodia crossing. Taking a risk going through immigration because computers move alot faster. They could bribe someone to take them over the border but that can take time. Laying low in BKK probably the way to go. I reckon they'll get clipped.
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