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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. You just told us. You get up to nothing
  2. Is your understanding of English really that bad? Nothing directly causes cancer in all cases. Certain things increase the risk of cancer. Learn to think.
  3. See you tomorrow.
  4. I don't abuse anyone. That's what you do. Keyboard warrior. See you tomorrow.
  5. You come too. One after the other. No issue.
  6. Did you finish school?
  7. Ok see you there.
  8. So you can't read. It increases the risk of cancer
  9. Keyboard warriors
  10. Weak people shouldnt abuse people online. Grow a set of balls.
  11. Keyboard warriors
  12. Name the place, date and time. I will be there.
  13. Lets have a fight then. Winner gets 100,000 baht.
  14. https://www.wku.edu/news/articles/index.php?view=article&articleid=2918&return=archive
  15. I'm tough
  16. Ubon is a deadset dump. The airport is the highlight.
  17. Mouthwash causes cancer
  18. I had a swim Ate salmon,cheese and anchovy sandwich
  19. He molests dots....
  20. Changing a light bulb is fun for him
  21. The airports only flies to Bangkok
  22. Where you live...the sticks....
  23. What an exciting life you have....
  24. Calling people fools and idiots is why these guys hated on you. Ever thought about that?
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