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Everything posted by Kiwifarang

  1. That's right, each to their own, due each having a different set of circumstance. No two people are exactly the same and indeed some are far in a way different to each other. There are a million and one possibilities as to why someone would want a base.
  2. So that the family poodle can enjoy her base and not have to travel with mum and dad? Also, the kids can live with the nanny whilst attending the local Thai school. Parents of said, can flit around Asia at a whim without all the baggage? Sounds good to me, but not being in that situation I wouldn't know, just a guess.
  3. The new published fees are more than visas with longer duration to most other countries including New Zealand, so they have definitely been overpriced.
  4. What are the chances that tomorrow those applying for an e-visa at the Royal Thai Embassy Wellington using the e-visa portal get charged the newly advertised visa fees for Wellington and those applying through other embassies worldwide get charged a similar increased price? Alternatively, do you think that the Wellington embassy will be the only outlier, charging the new fees, so for example a New Zealander residing in New Zealand will be charged substantially more than a New Zealander residing in London and applying through the Royal Thai Embassy London? That is the embassy they must lodge their application to since they are residing there. What are your predictions? Anyone willing to lay bets?
  5. Forgot to bondage me kangaroo down sport did we?
  6. Well if Srettha's plan comes to fruition for a Schengen style S.E. Asia Visa with Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia then the cost may well rise to the New Zealand rate for Vietnam too.
  7. Kiwi can apply for a tourist visa from any embassy, so not necessarily Wellington, however, if a Brit happened to be holidaying in New Zealand for example, and yes, I know, why would a Brit want to do that? 555, they would be charged the same fees set by the Wellington Embassy. So essentially this is just a case of the location where you apply, not what passport you have.
  8. As we had stated on the website. The Royal Thai Embassy Wellington will be adjusted the visa fees to enter Thailand, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the changing environment, as well as the exchange rate in New Zealand. Thank you Note: The visa section is open between 09:30 am – 12.00 pm on Monday – Friday (except public and embassy holidays). Please contact the visa section only between working hours. ขอแสดงความนับถือ Best regards, Salin ฝ่ายวีซ่า | Visa Section สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงเวลลิงตัน | Royal Thai Embassy, Wellington 110 Molesworth Street, Thorndon, Wellington | NEW ZEALAND Tel: +64 4 496 2900 | Email: https://wellington.thaiembassy.org/
  9. That's because the single entry for 3 months for $65 is a maximum of 3 months, whereas the multiple entry maximum of 6 months is $325 for 12 months if you leave 2 days before it expires and return the day before it expires because multiple entry resets each time you leave and you get a further 6 months upon re-entry. So, look at it this way $65 divided by 3 is $21.66 x 12 = $260, so you could save if you got 4 labels, but for convenience they offer you one label and the opportunity to leave and return as many times as you want without buying a re-entry permit. It's multiple by the way, not double.
  10. Why bother with anything? Like lambs to the slaughter In Isaiah 53, a chapter in the Hebrew Bible, a virtuous servant is murdered but does not protest: "Like a sheep being led to the slaughter or a lamb that is silent before her shearers, he did not open his mouth" (Isaiah 53:7).
  11. I doubt as much as before since THAI dropped their daily direct flights from Auckland to Bangkok in 2020 and have no intention to resume them.
  12. Yes, New Zealand was concerned with the growing number of Little Ghosts in the country and in particular they wanted to prevent them from illegally working in the legalised prostitution industry.
  13. Further to this a Visitor Visa to Australia for Thai is $AUD190 and is for 12 months and the AUD equivalent of $NZD300 is around $AUD282, so a Thai tourist visa is likely to be more that an Australian one too if the embassy in Canberra follows the New Zealand price. Let's see other comparisons of US and UK tourist visas.
  14. Yes $NZD300 is a lot considering the length of the visa is 60 days with possibility of a 30-day extension, which cost more still, whereas Thai pay $89 less (NZD$211) and get a 180-day tourist visa with possibility of 270 days.
  15. Yes $NZD300 is a lot considering the length of the visa is 60 days with possibility of a 30-day extension, which cost more still, whereas Thai pay $89 less (NZD$211) and get a 180-day tourist visa with possibility of 270 days.
  16. Usually if you are going to get a Non-B visa in country with a school then they require you to be on a tourist visa label rather than visa-free entry permit stamp. So for teachers that don't want to have to go to Laos that is not an option.
  17. METV were not available for a period during the COVID lockdown period then reinstated.
  18. If I recall correctly many schools ask the teacher to pay for the visa themselves, which may or may not be refunded depending on the school. Usually, the school would pay for the work permit though, but not always too. So, yes, potentially it would be expensive for schools with a high staff turnover. Would that then mean no visa refund to the teachers at some schools?
  19. That's right, we just plant military bases everywhere, such as around 750 bases in 80 countries that the US had in 2021.
  20. There would be a diplomatic stoush if those fees are correct for New Zealand, but not Australia or other countries like the US and UK etc. I don't think New Zealand are in Thailand's bad books, so I'm expecting updates from other embassies in due course.
  21. Yes, Wellington, New Zealand is moving to e-visa around mid-next month, so I think it is probably tied in with that. No more applying at the Embassy, all online.
  22. Yep, it was. The New Zealand fees changed at the same time as the Australian ones, as per the current fee schedule posted at the the top of this topic. The other embassies probably haven't got around to posting the new fee schedule yet. It's 3 weeks away.
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