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Everything posted by KireB

  1. Wow the ignorance of this post is unbelievable. Phuket has tens, if not hundreds of gated communities with very expensive villas.
  2. Pretty obvious you have no clue what you are talking about.
  3. Maybe because Phuket has great beaches, wild nightlife and fantastic food? Just maybe.
  4. No idea what youre on about? It's you complaining about the good people of Kota Baru, not me.
  5. I found the people in Kota Baru wonderful. I guess it depends how you approach and interact with people. It's you, not 'the people'.
  6. Most of the corn, rice and sugar is exported. Thailand is choking, and CP and Mitr Phol have large profit margins. At least enough to pay off politicians and institutions. Think about that for a second. More than 30,000 people die each year, millions need medical care, just for profit margins.
  7. Why do you even live here? Sounds to me you hate Thailand and its people to the core. Free advice: drink less alcohol, exercise, freshen up and mingle and meet the lovely Thai people in this beautiful country. Im sure you will change your mind. That said, Einstein, how high is your IQ? I doubt it's more than 75.
  8. Yes, there's always one numskull to write such harsh statement.
  9. Wow, what a racist remark.
  10. I'm also glad you don't.
  11. What is the meaning of this map?
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