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Everything posted by Vulture82

  1. I see, could you make some specific examples of what had to be made twice?
  2. I plan to rent a place no farther than 10m from building site and to visit every single day. Tbh this is no different than my home country in the West. If you don't follow, ofc they'll diverge. Ok so it looks like getting into fbook builders and look at what they did/are doing is the best way to assess their proficiency.
  3. I have seen double glasses, perhaps triple is a bit too much, know any quality builders? Somebody suggested me to go to SCG directly.
  4. Hi, What's the best builder in Thailand? I mean in terms of proper insulation, the issue I have in the homes here is that they get hot AF because walls are like made of paper, I'd rather build homes with very thick walls and high quality insulation, as well as double or even triple glass windows. Can you suggest a good builder specializing in home energy efficiency? I am looking to build in the Krabi area. Thanks.
  5. Yes it does show, I have 3 microinverters, the app shows feed into the grid, also the digital meter shows it.
  6. The digital meter at code 300 is already showing the exported units since installation, will this be taken into account? Ok I'll ask PONIX about the current status. I haven't sugned the contract with PEA yet.
  7. I installed the panels last week with a company called PONIX, everything seems to work, they said they'd handle the permit with PEA but I haven't heard back, do you know how long does it take? is my electricity export being already accounted for? I already have a digital meter. I know there is a code you can push to read the amount of energy exported, not sure which code that is though, any expert?
  8. Does anybody have experience with a business connection?
  9. Is there an ISP in Thailand which doesn't throttle the heck out of your connection? It's a bit annoying to have to use a VPN all the time.
  10. I see, it make sense they have multiple listing types. Actually I remember at least one advertisement of an house in a gated community built on the slope of a hill, that is registered as a condo even though it looks like an house... if I find it again I'll post it here as an example.
  11. I often see villas advertised as "freehold" but they never specify and most often than not it sounds like a trick as you cannot own land in Thailand. Could you suggest me a good real estate agent/agency where they list properties in gated communities, looking like villas but registered as condo, I have seen or a couple of them but I can't find a proper real estate agency just dealing with this type of properties. I am not interested in leasing, usufruct, surface etc...
  12. What about the same case but unmarried, only gf and bf, can this still be done?
  13. I have to make a VISA in another country, they asked me to show my criminal history. I am in Thailand since 1 year, can I ask the local police for such document? Is this type of service available here? They told me it should be issues by the country I reside.
  14. Ah yes, that's definitely a good option. Thx.
  15. Is there any good marketplace to sell old tech items online? I got very good logitech wireless headphone spare, not willing to just dump it. Any suggestion? Thanks.
  16. I updated the location, since somebody asked. Now the upload goes fast again... it's night... it could be they throttle during the day, not so sure. It's a bit random, sometimes it throttles, sometimes it doesn't... This type of problems don't exist in the EU Is there an operator with good English support here in Thailand? I heard that VPN'ing to Singapore would solve the problem, is that true?
  17. No, they throttle all the time, regardless. It's annoying because they sell you a speed and then it's not real. Calling them is painful, English is horrible and often you end up in a waiting loop which leads nowhere as circle over and over.
  18. I have AIS Fibre 1G/1G downlink/uplink I need to upload 130 Mbytes file via SCP or SFTP on a server in Germany. Getting throttled at like 100 Kbyte/s I don't use a VPN right now. Is this normal to be throttled like this in Thailand? I remember it used to be much better. Is the Red Sea Cable problem affecting this? Is there a better way to upload files to Germany, maybe a diff. protocol or some other escamotage? Sometimes I get 10Mbyte/s, once when I changed port I was going fast but then I got re-throttled again, ffs!
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