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Posts posted by Vulture82

  1. I often see villas advertised as "freehold" but they never specify and most often than not it sounds like a trick as you cannot own land in Thailand.

    Could you suggest me a good real estate agent/agency where they list properties in gated communities, looking like villas but registered as condo, I have seen or a couple of them but I can't find a proper real estate agency just dealing with this type of properties.

    I am not interested in leasing, usufruct, surface etc...

  2. On 5/2/2024 at 4:10 PM, khunPer said:

    Yes, you can own a house on leased land, if you make a superficies agreement (or similar permission); and furthermore get architect drawings, building permissions, building construction contracts and payment receipts issued with your name as owner.


    However, be aware of that any agreement made between husband and wife can be declared void in case of divorce. You can read more in the article about "protection and ownership" HERE. It's often suggested to make any land contracts – lease or usufruct – before the title deed is registered in a Thai wife's name.

    What about the same case but unmarried, only gf and bf, can this still be done?

  3. I updated the location, since somebody asked.

    Now the upload goes fast again... it's night... it could be they throttle during the day, not so sure.

    It's a bit random, sometimes it throttles, sometimes it doesn't...

    This type of problems don't exist in the EU


    Is there an operator with good English support here in Thailand?

    I heard that VPN'ing to Singapore would solve the problem, is that true?

  4. 10 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    The time of day when you upload large files may be a factor?   I have a similar package from AIS and I have regular 8 hour video conferences with Europe, and every call at around 18:00 the video link freezes.  I suspect the throttling occurs at peak use times in Thailand.


    No, they throttle all the time, regardless.

    It's annoying because they sell you a speed and then it's not real.

    Calling them is painful, English is horrible and often you end up in a waiting loop which leads nowhere as circle over and over.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I have AIS Fibre 1G/1G downlink/uplink

    I need to upload 130 Mbytes file via SCP or SFTP on a server in Germany.

    Getting throttled at like 100 Kbyte/s


    I don't use a VPN right now.

    Is this normal to be throttled like this in Thailand?

    I remember it used to be much better. Is the Red Sea Cable problem affecting this?


    Is there a better way to upload files to Germany, maybe a diff. protocol or some other escamotage?

    Sometimes I get 10Mbyte/s, once when I changed port I was going fast but then I got re-throttled again, ffs!

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