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  1. CAN ISRAEL SURVIVE? The seminal question is, does Israel think its survival is threatened? From time to time, the US has claimed it would never launch a nuclear first strike, but Israel has never made that promise. By contrast, the US has proven itself capable of losing many wars and still survive, but Israel feels that if it loses just once, the Arabs will exterminate every Israeli, down to the last man, woman and child. That promise was the promise the leaders of the Arab league made in 1948, promising to match the great massacres of the Mongolian hoards--except they lost. Three times. Until the Hamas attack, Israel had the confidence it could keep the Breserkers at bay. Now, surrounded by terrorist enemies who are funded and weaponize by Iran, Israel's existence is threatened. Historically, Israel felt that its existnce was threatened just once before, during the Yom Kipper War launched by Egypt. It is alleged that at one point in that war, Israel prepared its nuclear weapons for use. Today, the stealthy F-35 has a bomb bay big enough to hold a nuclear weapon and still remain stealthy. Most experts think that only a nuclear weapon is powerful enough to destroy the deeply buried Iranian nuclear facility. But once the nuclear genie is out of the bottle, it is hard to make it go back in. And how much more can the world demonize Israel if it drops more than one nuke?The world wonders. The big question is, do the Mullahs also wonder.
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