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Posts posted by BigBruv

  1. 13 hours ago, impulse said:


    Safe and effective


    And I wonder whether they are really treating long Covid, or long vax?



    AFAICT  'Long covid' is either vaccine damage or rebranded lethargy & laziness.


    Also a benefits scam "Doctor I can't work - sign me off so I can claim disability allowance".


    Symptoms include pretty much any and everything.


    *There is NO test for so-called Long Covid* - you can just claim it and it's yours to leverage as you want

    (for 'disability' benefits, days off school or whatever you can get away with)



  2. 14 hours ago, kevozman1 said:

    So I notice on these boards a number of people hailing from the West bringing their liberal talking points to Thailand, but still being very scathing of where they came from regarding human rights and the general level of acceptance of 'various groups' the West has from the State to the people. This wouldn't present a problem to me, if not for the obvious hypocrisy. For instance it seems unchecked migration into Western Europe is fine, but the same people will remind you that you are a migrant/expat/tourist in Thailand. When it comes to sexual relations, female employment opportunities, transsexuals and gender identity, both Thailand and the Western world are somewhat aligned, so being an honest person I will not argue on those points.


    Ok then lets look further. Immigration options are heavily restricted for foreigners in Thailand. Employment options are lowered to 'jobs that Thai people cannot fill', a stark contrast to migrants in the West who cannot be discriminated against and have the same rights as life long citizens on arrival, and in some cases are favoured for employment opportunities. Now let's look into citizenship. For someone born in Thailand for them to obtain automatic citizenship at least one of their parents must be a Thai citizen. In every western country I know of, citizenship is available on birth. Again Thailand is showing a much more right wing society that these Western liberals have voluntarily migrated to. Obtaining citizenship as a migrant, in Thailand this is quite rare. In the Western world it is very common. Again exposing a much more right wing country these Western liberals are deciding to reside in. Then we look at the patriarchy. In Western Liberalism 'equality' has been preached for decades, and at this point if anything women have more rights then men when it comes to certain situations in the legal system. In Thailand whilst women have as many opportunities in the workforce as Western women do respectively in their society (and actually Thai women are more instrumental and integral to their society than Western women are to theirs, something I give huge props to Thai women over) Thai men still wear the trousers in a household. They are the boss, In the West it's the State who is the boss. Yet more inconsistencies of a Western liberal choosing to move to a country such as Thailand. Domestic violence, this is actually somewhat accepted in Thai society, it's very common. A wife being beaten on a street corner by her boyfriend/husband is unlikely to be stopped, nevermind if it's happening behind closed curtains. Certainly not in the West, domestic voiolece has been clamped down on for decades... Anyway I think people who have integrity and a brain know what I am pointing at with these points. 


    I am not condemning Thailand, I actually like the country and people overall and have done for a long time, and whilst I don't like certain aspects of Thai society, being right wing I am definitely more compatible with Thailand than a Western Liberal will ever be to the point where I know without large doses of hypocrisy you cannot exist in Thailand. So how do you guys cope? Denial? Low IQ? Sheer sociopathy? Maybe you guys are just lost? Explain.


    It's not that deep.


    Most are just here to get laid - that's why retirees in Thailand are 99.999% male.




  3. 8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    DeNiro is a true hero, and a legend, who speaks truth to extremely toxic power. Only someone obsessed with their Master, and his steady diet of lies, fabrications, hatred, and venom, would be offended by what this noble man has to say.


    Trump Derangement Syndrome


    FWIW Booby's probably a compromised pea doh as is your other hero Joe Biden.


    All 3 are massive c units


    Mandatory euthanasia at 70 solves this


  4. 7 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    Not surprising that you have the temerity to claim another poster had insinuated something he clearly had not; just so you could attack Yaxley with more vitriol.


    Yaxley is almost a lone voice in the UK, in trying to keep the thousands of acts of the vile muslim rapists from fading from the collective consciousness. The acts that you and your ilk are only too happy to see forgotten.


    It is a shame that rather than reserve some of your hatred for these vile, muslim, monsters, you reserve it all for a man trying to stop people forgetting their heinous acts; says everything about your enabling attitude, which is a huge part of the problem, not just in the UK, but in all of Europe, with the exception of the Visegrad Group … left wing bedwetters sleepwalking Europe into an Islamic state






  5. 7 hours ago, Ricksta1985 said:

    You used an MSM story to justify your claims. You should never talk about anyone's intelligence when you are clearly as dumb as Bob.




    MOST Thais outside of your Pattaya bubble look down on you like you down on UK muslims.


    Doubt you left your country because you 'love the temples' or the boiling hot weather either.


    You've go a LOT more in common with those muzzies than you realise





  6. On 6/2/2024 at 8:37 AM, MalcolmB said:

    Just another example of a frustrated angry Brit whose father abandoned him and then watched his mother bring other men into the house.


    He isn’t too bright.


    And I know he would hate my Thai girlfriend who isn’t white enough.

    So I will be happy to see him locked up again. 



    He's not really racist - he's kinda like a 'gay for pay' guy - gets paid by Israelis inc Robert *Shillman* (lol) to <> stir in the UK so the UK Govt can continue to send millions in 'aid' to Israel so they can bomb muzzies out of their homes and.... 

    Send them to the UK 🙄


    More Israeli, US & UK bombing in the ME means more space for Israel and more muslims moving westwards.

    Unlike RabbiSon's supporters those Jews ain't dumb.


    Most of his supporters are thick as mince though so he keeps he keeps the grift going and the shekels rolling in


    https://archive.ph/RpKyq ...








    • Agree 1
  7. 1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

    Yaxley-Lennon does not care about paedophiles, full stop. He cares about brown ones as it gives him a bandwagon to jump on and some good fund raising opportunities. He has a history of, at best, ignoring paedophilia is his own organisation, or, at worst, defending paedophiles in his own organisation.  He not only defended Richard Price but he led campaigns to have him released! Disgusting paedophile defending hypocrite. He also - despite warnings - jeopardised the trials of the grooming gangs and almost caused them to be released or re-trialled.. All for his own ends. No concern for justice, only concern for his bank balance.

    And yet his knuckle dragging followers think the grooming gangs were caught because "he wasn't afraid to speak out" which is just laughable. He didn't care / didn't know and only got involved when the case was very advanced and he saw a bandwagon. And then he nearly caused justice not to be done.

    Yaxley-Lennon is an odious thug who plays the game for his own enrichment. Nothing more, nothing less. But of course the racists love him and believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.


    Yaxley is a  classic shabbos goy

  8. Tommy bangs on about muslim rape gangs, "stands wiv Israel", said he'd fight for Israel in the war on the front lines (yeah right)  and so on but you'll never hear him mention the Jews taking back and refusing extradition of their pea dohs.


    Double standards much?


    'Just a working class lad' who wants Gazans sent the the UK after his Israeli pals have evicted them and stolen their land and homes 👍


    Can anyone explain why so-called 'UK nationalist hero' 'Tommy' RabbiSon always is always kissing Jewish ass?


    Mugs who fall for his race grifting are not brits they are <deleted but rhymes with it's>


    I'd deport you all to Pattaya but no need since most of you are no doubt there already






    • Confused 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    The data you're citing is correct, but the impression you're implying is misleading, as specific people who manage to survive into their older ages statistically live LONGER than the average life expectancy for someone at birth...


    Meaning, people who have died from COVID even at older ages, overall, would have lived for many more years had COVID not cut short their lives.


    But it is a familiar and typical anti-vaxer attempt at misleading with the false "they would have died anyway" argument.


    Average Covid-19 victim dies years before they otherwise would

    What was claimed

    The average age of Covid-19 deaths is higher than the average life expectancy, which means that people who get Covid live longer.

    Our verdict

    This isn’t how life expectancy works. Life expectancy is an average, pulled down by people who die young. As you age, your life expectancy increases. People dying from Covid-19 lose about a decade of life on average.


    "Life expectancy is an average, which means it is pulled down by people who die young. It also means that life expectancy increases as you age. "






    fact is most people who allegedly dies of covid were ANCIENT:


    Median age for a woman who 'dIeD oV cOFid' was 85!!!!!

    Eighty Bleedin Five!!!!


    Look at the numbers::::









    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    The article talks about millions who died during the epidemic. Any chance they died from Covid?


    Or the flu?


    Unlikely / Low probability either way - Average 'covid death' in the UK was much the same as life expectancy.


    Choice for doctors:

    Spend your time trying to work out a write up a genuine cause of death or just call every death a 'covid death' and take the rest of the day off?


    Really tough choice!





    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    You really think that every country that reports excess mortality data is in on a giant conspiracy?



    Giant conspiracy like when Doctors universally prescribed Thalidomide to pregnant mothers or when everyone sprayed their kids with DDT???


    Do you mean those types of 'conspiracies'? 


    No doubt muh "studies, experts and idiots (the majority) parroted DDT being 'safe and effective' at the time but now we know better right?



    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Antti said:

    But don’t they achieve exactly the opposite if this comes to pass? Those with substancial wealth will be the first to leave. They have the most to lose and also the resources to relocate. Perhaps to Singapore, which by the way doesn’t tax foreign income.



    I think that's the issue: people with "substantial wealth" only visit Thailand for short holidays in private type resorts unless they have certain predelictions. 

    NOT taxing foreigners attracts low class people.  Low class people repel middle class and high class people.


    IMHO the problem is the atmosphere that the low class thousand yard stare pensioners waiting for death bring with them.  If those sorts can be pushed to Cambodia or Phils then job done.

    Clean slate to work from


    Apparently Singapore was a s&^$hole a few years ago so it's possible to turn the situation around



  13. 7 minutes ago, transam said:


    If it is advised by scientific evidence then why not...


    I agree, if people still want them they should be given as many as they want - free of charge too.


    Great investment for our home country's Governments as thge main takers (boomer pensioners) no longer contribute to the system

    and others could spend that money just as well




    • Sad 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Captor said:

    A whole lot of money. Which they will loose now that expats move to Phillipines, Vietnam, home etc.


    'A whole lot of money' maybe by your standards.


    They are aspire to be another Singapore, not the giant asian benidorm that it currently is.


    Thanksin will have done his homework while away so the changes will keep coming until many chuck the towel in.



    • Haha 1
  15. 9 hours ago, BarstoolChang said:

    A massive stimulation in their local economys. I guarantee you foreigners pay more on average than a thai would. 94 percent of them pay no tax at all.


    You dont need to sit online and lick the boot of this government, they aren't going to give you preferntial treatment mate.



    I'm just pointing out the fact that the people drafting these changes don't care how much chang you buy or if you rent people from Isaan or not.



    Probably asking themselves what they need to do to get rid of you right now.




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