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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. I think that's the issue: people with "substantial wealth" only visit Thailand for short holidays in private type resorts unless they have certain predelictions. NOT taxing foreigners attracts low class people. Low class people repel middle class and high class people. IMHO the problem is the atmosphere that the low class thousand yard stare pensioners waiting for death bring with them. If those sorts can be pushed to Cambodia or Phils then job done. Clean slate to work from Apparently Singapore was a s&^$hole a few years ago so it's possible to turn the situation around
  2. I agree, if people still want them they should be given as many as they want - free of charge too. Great investment for our home country's Governments as thge main takers (boomer pensioners) no longer contribute to the system and others could spend that money just as well
  3. 'A whole lot of money' maybe by your standards. They are aspire to be another Singapore, not the giant asian benidorm that it currently is. Thanksin will have done his homework while away so the changes will keep coming until many chuck the towel in.
  4. I'm just pointing out the fact that the people drafting these changes don't care how much chang you buy or if you rent people from Isaan or not. Probably asking themselves what they need to do to get rid of you right now.
  5. So you have zero expertise. Your *opinions* in this thread include, and I quote: "made up nonsense like The Telegraph report" "The Telegraph ... becoming part of the worldwide COVID vaccine misinformation pandemic..." etc etc etc as per every covid thread. Just because you don't like some information and it doesn't chime with your heavily biased opinions doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.
  6. but unfortunately only those that support YOUR opinions / ego I don't but I worry that some on here do and that your opinions could harm them. Especially as you seem to have zero relevant medical knowledge or experience beyond copying and pasting walls of text along with LARGE FONTS to push your opinions. To clarify / get back to the question though: Have you ever been a Doctor / Do you have any medical expertise or not? Also, when you refer to 'right-wing news sources' are you saying left-wing news sources are better?Any examples? If not, why mention right-wing?
  7. Have you ever been a doctor Mr "TallGuyJohninBKK"? If not, who qualifies you to pontificate on whats true or untrue wrt to this 'covid' stuff?
  8. The boiling hot weather. Being treated as a tourist/atm machine always and forever. New tax on bringing money into the country. Parole like immigration reporting system. The roads. Lack of intellectual stimulation.
  9. Yeah but LTJ's website probably says that's a 'far right' publication so it doesn't count 😂
  10. Maybe the excess deaths aren't rising as everyone with an even half functioning brain (inc. 70% of UK NHS staff) are refusing these modern 'vaccines' https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/idaps/CHADOX1 NCOV-19
  11. Spin it how you like but the dam has broken. The Telegraph is a serious newspaper for grown ups. Labelling every and any death as a 'covid death' is no longer gonna wash. You may have gotten away with that a couple of years ago but not any more especially as excess deaths continue to rise 👍
  12. Print version picture under the post is clear: "Covid Jabs may be to blame for increase in excess deaths"
  13. The difference between 'conspiracy theory' and 'mainstream' is approx 2-3 years. UK Govt did well with the tainted blood scandal (successfully covered up for 30+ years) but in this case much harder to hide as so many are affected. Tainted blood scandal was approx 30K people vs the approx 30 million that took jabs in the UK Oh well. Merely suggesting jabs might have bad side affects or cause death was enough to get you yeeted from this and other social media platforms a couple years ago. Now, it's being discussed in mainstream media so at least there's been some progress : )
  14. It's called a 'controlled release'. The press were accessories to what we're seeing now and took money from the UK Govt for wrap around covid mania adds so have to spill the beans slowly. The truth will come out though but some will never accept it (same types who still believe Sadam Hussein had nukes and could blow them up in 45 mins).
  15. Im not worried at all but some of you should be. Som nom naa 👍
  16. So, from a Thai Govt policy maker's view ipretty much NOTHING! 🙂 They want high spending people to visit Thailand - to get them in they first have to flush out the sweaty chang/singha vest, cargo shorts and flip flop crew.
  17. Tick Tock Blood Clot ⏰ Or ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain haemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events
  18. Instead ask yourself - what benefits do the TH government get from you being here? Likely... NOTHING! 🙂
  19. IMHO giving women choices was part of the ditching of Christendom so same thing. In your case for the framework/religion of Marxism Feminism is just a subsect of marxism in which :.. ‘the bourgeoisie’ is replaced with 'men' and ‘the proletariat’ is replaced with ‘women’.. Do you think your ex could have worked that out? Marx and Engels said family is a bourgeois value and it must be destroyed. Feminism thinks marriage is a patriarchal institution. Queer theory thinks that family is a form of oppression. It's all the same thing, only vocabulary has changed. https://www.csustan.edu/sites/default/files/History/Faculty/Weikart/Marx-Engels-and-the-Abolition-of-the-Family.pdf Wokeism (the current Marx derived cancer on western civilisation) goes further: replacing ‘the bourgeoisie’ with current protected ‘victim’ groups based on skin colour, sexual orientation, and so on. Maybe you were all (the boomers) just brainwashed, psyoped & mugged off by the Tavistock type social engineers though:
  20. On the plus side, if implemented sufficiently aggressively, this will clear out an awful lot of 'farang riff raff' (tm). If so, I might actually move out there full time : )
  21. https://web.archive.org/web/20240605062422/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/04/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/ Or https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/04/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/
  22. Once people move to Thailand it's hard to move on, after realising it ain't all that, due to expenses. (Inflation in western countries has really taken off)
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