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  1. Stopped reading right here because your understanding is emotional and biased anti China. Please get updated to facts: https://projectseahorse.org/coral-reefs-suffering-in-philippines-despite-outlawing-damaging-fishing-practices/ https://www.icsf.net/newss/destructive-fishing-threatens-philippine-coral-reefs-says-study/
  2. So the Filipinos got bullied by the US to park a ship in China's waters and then pretend it's stuck and has to be resupplied and the US wants to escalate it by offering to resupply it in case China doesn't like to get bullied by this fake operation. The 'dash line' is more or less China's idea of protecting the shipping routes agains the warmonger mad brute (USA), disregarding the fact the it was controlled by China for thousands of years, and disregarding the fact, that China's policy is money and they would achieve their goals by making everybody rich, without forcing homosexuality on the Asian countries. In all cases, even if one believes these random reefs are disputed territories, why has the US to interfere there? What is the purpose? Stirring up another war, after losing so badly in the Ukraine.
  3. 40+ pages. "Are you not entertained?" Boomers are like "elections matter". lol
  4. Can one apply for the DTV in any embassy or does it have to be of the passport country?
  5. Hopefully people will stop giving more as the immigration is asking for otherwise it will lead to the IOs establishing that as rule.
  6. If "judge" just means you paid a chunk of money to get appointed.
  7. Yeah, always worth comparing Airbnb and other sites, people think they can get rich on Airbnb by asking extremely high prices for their <deleted>ty apartments. It was an entire business model. Was. Times have changed, fortunately for us customers.
  8. And commission on Airbnb can be like 10% cheaper, so it's worth it. Also, I see many Hotels offering rooms on Airbnb as well. Everybody's there except the chains.
  9. Upload to the major sites (Pornhub, onlyfans, etc.) only with bio-metric ID/passport verification and contract signing.
  10. So, like in the Airbnb I am right now?
  11. Except for Airbnb's bio-metric ID/passport verification. Bro's not updated about how strict the Internet is.
  12. We thought the Thai government can't do anything right and then they surprise us with fact based decisions. Wow. TIT!
  13. > 40-year-old Belgian tourist > trapped in a car Bro just lost his last man card.
  14. People are like, requirement that, better stay home 3 month before apply this. No. It's all in at the moment. Just print out and apply and get the DTV.
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