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Everything posted by TheFatOne

  1. Don't be upset. My comment got deleted anyway. Wasn't woke enough. Safe day to you too.
  2. Yeah that's kinda true I guess
  3. Ain't the two kinda linked ?...
  4. Easy to spot, yet so difficult to define. Tell me what the concept means to you.
  5. Hahaha! I dunno, bro. Has been a long time since I felt cold down there :D
  6. Barbaric practices in Thailand are on the decline it seems. Slowly but surely (let's face it 100,000THB fine is pretty much nothing). Overall, good news
  7. The main factor if I'm not mistaken is your surface to volume ratio. The bigger the surface for a given volyme the better it is for thermal regulation. As for my dick its volume varies a lot. I would say pretty small nomally but with the ability to concentrate a lot of blood when excited which make it slightly above average when I have an erection.................... Yup.
  8. Asean Now has officially found its gifted Einstein like genius. I've always been amazed by the way these people talk/write. I don't understand anything but it sounds fricking cool 😄 Imagine him at a bar, with a cocktail, explain this to a braindead bimbo Will Hunting-style 😎😎 I don't understand why nerds ain't getting laid more often....
  9. Forget about the ugly narrative in your head, allow yourself a beer and chill. At the end of the day, life is just life. Can't be taken too seriously.
  10. I'm gutted for sure. Not fair !
  11. Sex robots for all the freaks !!! NOW !!!!!!
  12. Yeah that's more like it :)
  13. Yeah. That's good. Packing my bags right now. Goodbye Thailand. Ko-nicho-ha Japan :D
  14. How to you feel about the Russian exodus to Thailand? For the sake of the topic, please don't amalgamate Russians and their gov. Why do you think they are doing it and would you do the same if you were in their shoes? And if you're Russian of course feel free to share your personal reasons and experience. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 👍
  15. The 3 main dream drivers it seems: money, time and happiness. Humans are pretty simple creatures in the end 🤗 And not so much negativity for a AN topic. Rare enough to be mentioned 😄
  16. Thanks for the positive attitude here 😄👍
  17. Must cause you a lot of problems with them. Sorry to hear it.
  18. Not necessarily, no :D :D My god....
  19. That's a pretty good dream indeed :) I wouldn't mind it either. Makes sense. But it would be a bit of a let down for the narcissist in me :D
  20. I'd like to make millions on the stock market to then go around helping random needy people. I could do that all my life. Giving is actually the most gratifying activity there is for a narcissist like me. Makes me feel like a superstar :D Anyways. Your turn.
  21. I don't think so. The dog didn't touch me directly. I have bruises due to the jaw's pressure but the teeth didn't went through. The a-hole just destroyed my pants by pulling on them...
  22. Yeah had a pair of jeans and boots.
  23. No problem. If I have no choice, I rather fight a man than a dog. You should have seen the one that attacked me. A beast.
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