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Everything posted by Hotpepper53

  1. Enough… Enough… Enough… on the leftist bullsh*t… You are obviously out numbered… or is it that you can’t give up because you’re afraid to realize everything you been told is a lie…
  2. And…..“ Why do youallow these young novices to shout hallelujah tothe god of another religion like this?“ I’m confused…which God do real Buddhist worship?
  3. Who is selecting…has anyone in the Thai Public voted for the last two PMs? it appears the Public doesn’t get to vote for their leaders…at least the West gets to vote….( it may not count- but at least you get to vote )…I guess the Public doesn’t matter anymore…
  4. Exactly…. That’s why I asked… you have explained it perfectly… they have subverted the will of the people… the previous administration’s manipulation of the senate/constitution… who apparently is still control…
  5. There is “Q” (believed to be Military)… and “Anons”(people who follow/read Q)… there is no “Q-anon…..who said it was a potentially deadly and a outbreak… using “fear mongering” does not educate the public… Just a little research will educate…instead of being led by the media…
  6. General question…. Political… Did anyone in the Thai public vote for Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin???
  7. Looks like meth, crystal and yaba are the most popular drugs and everyone is using it….so why is cannabis getting beat up….meth is more prevalent…
  8. “Yeah” don’t need all those accidents, death and injuries we just accumulated during “water splash festival” due to cannabis….Oh wait… that was caused by ALCOHOL and ALCOLISM…. And… Didn’t the Government just expand hours that cannabis could be consumed into the early morning hours? Wait…I’m mistaken again…. That was “big money” from different business and political bosses keeping their investments in alcohol protected and moving forward… Cannabis sales have definitely effected alcohol sale just as it has in every country has legalized cannabis… Out of all the “Socially Accepted” drugs used today…alcohol, tobacco (nicotine), over the counter drugs(Tylenol), and prescription drugs, cannabis has the the least detrimental effects on an adult male over time…yes we need to protect our young….(but how’s that argument working out with the alcohol and cigarettes).
  9. Alcohol is big business in Thailand…someone is getting paid… Oh!!! They have extended the times for consuming cannabis to early mornings…. Oh! I’m sorry… that was for alcohol
  10. Let’s see…just had the famous “water festival” multiple days/nights celebrating, partying, driving back and forth to mama….lots of accidents, deaths injuries attributed to cannabis…and just saw in the local news someone who was using cannabis, flew into a rage and kill their family members…. OH!!! I’m sorry… I’m WRONG… that was caused by alcohol and drunk driving!!! Govt just extended the “Alcohol Drinking Times”… $$$
  11. The basis for making cannabis illegal has multiple selfish interests… 1920s…every farmer was “paid” to grow hemp/cannabis for fibers in rope making…hemp/ cannabis processors soon were expanding in to “finer fibers”, producing paper, oils, medicine and fine clothing manufacturing… The largest paper user was the big newspaper owner William Randolph Hearst, who had invested heavily in tree/forest companies to supply paper…hemp/cannabis paper production seriously hurt the big newspaper companies investment in trees/ forests and also forest’s management companies…hemp/cannabis production in one year could produce more paper year for year than tree/forest production simply because trees take longer to grow…one acre of hemp/cannabis can produce more than one acre of trees in one year… DuPont Company was also on he verge of releasing it’s own discovery of of synthetic fibers… The finer fabrics and threads of hemp/cannabis production were an immediate threat to DuPont’s new synthetic fibers and the cotton industry…Hemp/cannabis is easy to grow, in any warm climate, wet or dry, does not require special care…cotton on the other hand requires multiple treatments of fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides for growth… DuPont/ Newspapers (Heirst) were exceptionally weathly and hemp/cannabis production was cutting into profits…They hired a “propagandist” to takeout the hemp/cannabis industry… And…the rest is history… It is ALL about MONEY and CONTROL… Within six months… All the lies will be revealed…
  12. It’s fascinating that with all the violence, death and family break ups that alcohol and alcoholism cause, they are trying to scare everyone with the evil cannabis… 1. cannabis use does not incite violence…it usually has a calming effect 2. cannabis use does not cause addiction… unless that individual has addictive behaviors… in which case everything can become addictive to them…hinting at psychological problems… 3. Legal Cannabis use should be restricted to adult use just like alcohol… I am over 70 years of age, I have yet to heard of a medically verified death cause only by consumption of cannabis…can not say that about alcohol. In the States, after the states legalize cannabis, alcohol sales and deaths from alcohol are down…sorta like what’s happening here in Thailand…the big alcohol distilleries/ beverage companies are losing money because of cannabis…so now the BigMoney is pushing back…. The amount of death and destruction sanctioned by BigMoney/Alcohol is easily discoverable for any country you can name… The governmental studies done in the States like the NIH and the like, are bias… I mean who wants to believe any thing the Government puts out, NIH, Biden, and Congress… A lot of us are going to be very surprised at the release of information within the next 6 months…
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