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Everything posted by DaveTheRave

  1. Dearest Georgia The difference being, cypionate esther is having a one day longer half-life (8day) within your body than enanthate esther (7day). Warmest regards,
  2. Hello Bobbin. Appreciate your swift reply and extatic to learn this thread is not redundant! I'd like to think I am reasonably well versed. My follow up question. Yourself having been around here for a few years, are you aware of public hospitals in Bangkok that support TRT? I will be meeting with the Urologist at my normal private hospital, however keen to look at cost effective option where I might use social security. As always, thank you in advance.
  3. Hello gentleman, I may have joined this conversation a little late. I would love to know whether this is an active conversation? Have been living between Pattaya and Bangkok for the last four years. Currently spending time in Bangkok. I'd like to request some help if I may. 1. Do we know a pharmacy that currently has stock of Panpharma in or around Silom or Sukhumvit? 2. I have been perusing for sealed sterile vials. What I find on the local e-commerce sites (Laz, shopee) I cannot place much faith. Any of the memebes here have a good source for this? 3. Thai pharmacy Cypionax. This seems available at extremely competitive price of 800 baht per 10 ampule. Seems pharma grade product. Have any group members experienced? As always, appreciate any future replies.
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