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Everything posted by Zinkoral

  1. Thanks! I didn’t find this post when i was researching. With the fact that i’m not even near my 50’s, i guess my best way forward is to keep traveling as i do, assuming i will get a warning first if they stop me. Will of course do my best to make them see i’m not working/living or doing anything illegal in Thailand. And when/if the day comes, i probably would be best of getting the elite visa. I’m early in my career, got no family/kids and have 0 debt exept my student loan. Shouldn’t be too much of a setback if im determined and work extra for a while. Thanks to all others for your input aswell, much appreciated.
  2. Hi all. Have done research about my question, but still feel like i want to ask for others opinions. I know this has been asked before, but they mostly include extensions etc so it might be different in my case. I live and work in Norway, as a ship engineer. This means i work for 4 weeks, and have 4 weeks off. (29 days work-> 29 days off). This year i have already visited Thailand twice on visa exemption, for a 2-3 weeks stay each time i was there. I love it here, maybe i move here fully in the future.(Yes will need proper visa for this) It has come to my attention that i might run into visa trouble in the future if i want to keep visiting Thailand when i’m off work. (Cracking down on the use of exemption visa?) Lets say if i wanted to visit Thailand everytime i’m off work, which means ish 5 months during a year, do you guys think i will be rejected at some point? I guess if i visit everytime im off work, it means i techically live in Thailand? And my travel back home to Norway for work is a visa run i guess? Dont think i fit into LTR visa or any of the other ones, maybe elite visa is my only option but i want that to be last resort since its expensive. Rules and such seems a little vague when i read other peoples stories, not sure what i should do. Any input is very appreciated.
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