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Phat Dawg

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  1. Since alcohol and cigarettes have no medical use, and they pose definite health risks to people of all ages, then just ban those completely. In fact, ban anything that has no medical use. Hub of bans.
  2. that's non-homophocic actually. you do the math.
  3. Please add these too: I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. That post is almost as pathetic as GG. Sheesh. Nuff said. I can't be arsed to reply. Two a year doesn't make you queer.
  4. Yesterday it was a done deal on outlawing it again. Today it's back to not so fast. Land of flimsy flip-flops and hub of feuding personal interests. Guess Anutin wasn't on board when Srettha was trying to play dictator at the anti-cannabis show-down pow-wow. Perhaps things are headed for a breakup of the coalition. Then we all know what typically follows. Prawit makes a phone call. Nothing like the smell of tank diesel fuel in the morning. Then Anutin as PM to cool the 50K people from the cannabis industry protesting in the streets. Don't think Thonburi-Tony and his neck brace saw this one coming.
  5. All these suggestions for self insuring are a bad idea. A heart surgery or an accident that puts you in hospital and/or ICU for a month could still wipe out your savings. Paying $10K-$15K per year for an inpatient only policy to cover the big stuff still makes more sense. For brokers, Pacific Prime in Shanghai is the best in the region. You will be dealing with an expat broker over there who can offer you various options with various types of coverage levels and help you choose which is best for your budget.
  6. Fair enough and I don't disagree. But statistically the chance for success with someone less than half your age, with less than half of your life experiences, with little knowledge about the world and most likely very little education or English skills is statistically low. As for the financial arrangement, yes, there are plenty of both Thai and Western women with broke diick guys from their own country because some women need different things. But in this particular arrangement it can only be one reason the girl is interested in him. It's fine if that pure business exchange works for him, but it also means if he ever loses his wallet, or she finds a bigger better deal, he's gonna lose the girl too. So things are already off on a dodgy footing. But he's obviously not anywhere near the first to take the red pill and by far has no chance of ever being the last.
  7. Different food, different religion, different language, different levels of education, different levels of intellectuality, different family values, different agendas, different generations, etc. No, never mind, your totally right, two people of similar age and background would surely pose a much lower chance of success.
  8. The big thing being the bulge in the back pocket?
  9. A 40+ year old Western man thinking it’s a good idea to start a romantic/sexual relationship with a teenager from Southeast Asia. Aside from any concerns about any legal issues, what else could possibly ever go wrong? Wait, never mind, I know, she’s special and different!
  10. Many people working in Pattaya are only there to try and get as much money out of foreigners as they can. They are working there instead of somewhere else closer to their home town and more comfortable for them because they are grifter types, hustlers, whatever you want to call them. Not all, but many are like that. So those experiences you mention are common and almost nonstop in Pattaya. But not in many other places in Thailand where many of the locals show generosity to foreigners instead. I myself wouldn't want to live in a place where I'm viewed as a walking ATM, so up to you, but don't whinge about it.
  11. No helmet and flip-flops. Standard riding attire in Thailand when driving a motorcycle at speed on a road with other vehicles traveling at speed. The only way to fly!
  12. Isn't it totally obvious??? The guy has made some lucrative business investments in Thailand and he keeps returning to check on and look after his business interests. In fact, the business is doing so well that he keeps pouring more money into it regularly in order to increase his profitable returns. The bloke is obviously looking out for his family back in the UK by building more financial security for the future. I mean, what else could it possibly be??? He would be totally crazy to be interested in anything other than that in Thailand, right??? Hub of fantastic investment opportunities!!!
  13. Ridiculous. Real cigarettes should be outlawed too. They are at least as bad, if not worse for the lungs and various other parts of the body. It comes down to competing financial interests though.
  14. No need to be so hard on the gimp. He was a high functioning grifter who threw some of the best piiss up parties at 10 Downing Street during the Covid lock downs that the world has ever seen.
  15. I tried to get one of his covfefe orange bleach disinfectant injections at the time, but they wouldn't give me one. They said it had something to do with me not having paid off enough p0rn stars or grabbed enough pursies to qualify. 😳🙄
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