Hey I"m a former (retired) AI entrepreneur. The bubble is already busting - so be SUPER careful. The technology in question you need to research - read 'We have no moat' by Google, it was written a while back, and google itself admits, given the tech is basically mature at this point, there's NOTHING they can do to be competitive. Cue them faking demos out of desperation. I'd stay well clear - when people realize chatGPT is getting neutered and has no room to grow, they will put their hope into image generation. Stability AI is collapsing (ceo is gone, look it up) , and the smaller companies are running on fumes.
Evidently, from the outside, i'm sure it looks glorious, but trust me the heydays were 7 years ago, when people like me were launching AI business left right and center. Now you're chasing the puck where it is, not where it will be (to quote Jobs)