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  1. Unfortunately Thailand is one of a few countries that have inherited Confucianism as major social accommodation. Since Confucius planned and created a very long and arduous path to getting a job as a Mandarin or civil servant of sorts, it's only rich families, merchants and such, that could support the years long studies that led to the imperial exams, often at the advanced age of 50+. Who fronted the money to support a lifelong of studies was expecting some kind of return on the investment. Normal. Hence began a centuries long regime of corruption, sanctioned by Confucian beliefs, that still pervades in Thailand and somehow prevents true economic development and runs contra to the tenets of democracy. Don't police officers buy their way into uniforms here ? Normal and accepted ?
  2. The Thaïs won't do these jobs. It's hard work in the sun. Sorting fish can be done by women of the village but some women care to protect their nails. Not all Thaï ladies are lazy certainly; catering to husband and family members, often elderly and sick, can be a full time job.
  3. I had to cancel a domestic flight which did not connect anymore with Thai Lion Air. Their staff at the airport had me fill a form for the refund but the lady advised me it could be a long process. I took 9 months before I saw the amount credited to my cc.
  4. This campaign is just the kind of humanitarian aid approach that LOS has chosen as their way to help resolve the Myanmar crisis. Sending the poor buggers back to be conscripted and used a cannon fodder ? Great expression of Buddhist values of compassion.
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