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Smilin in Thailand

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Everything posted by Smilin in Thailand

  1. Chernobyl and Fukushima are still in meltdown. They just poured concrete over the reactors. Not a permanent solution. But the radiation problem builds very slowly. But very steadily. This will continue for millions of years. Also, this facilitates the Thai military with the capacity to make it's own nukes. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....
  2. I'm guessing that the 10% who evaded arrest did so by either escaping their captors or by greasing their palms with THBs.
  3. Were the pipes already used? Did they have resin and weed tar crammed into the nooks and cranies? Just curious, cuz I'm always paranoid of Weed Dogs sniffing it out. So I dose mine with ethyl alcohol before I pack them in my carry on. BTW. did Bangkok to Phnom Penh with my Crafty in my carry on - zero problems at airport going in and same at the land border returning to BK.
  4. OK, Ima change it (if I could, but it does not seem possible) to: Knot Smilin 17x in Thailand I'll let you figure that one out. lol
  5. Actually no, the cheaper ladies all have STDs. So after a 10,000 THB trip to the doc yer out 12000 THB lol But, hey ... nice try Sigmund. Can I get up off the couch now?
  6. Yup, I was very dumb. Never do it again. And no, I'm not a troll. I am a man short 50,000 baht. Please don't waste your time with further accusations.
  7. I was with my ex, we were dancing and drinking. I decided I should prove to her that I had money, so I tossed her 50,000 baht wrapped in a rubber band. We continued to party until closing time and then I asked for my money back. She refused to give me back the 50,000 baht. She is a mother with 2 kids. I don't want to make her life difficult, but I don't think that I should let her get away with this - it won't do her or her family any good living off theft!
  8. Since my comment was very clearly focused on the current subject matter - you are ironically defining your own comment, not mine.
  9. Free thinking people have a right to think and act autonomously. Brain washed fools like you just want us to shut up and get with the program. You will become extinct because you are spineless and incapable of rational thought.
  10. Submit to authority! Don't dare think for yourself! You are a mindless automaton and will do as you are told. This is what OP is really saying to you.
  11. Cash is yours. You are in complete control. Do you like money? Do you like being able to spend it? Give it all to the bank and they will find a way to keep you from it. Fees, taxes, leans, account freezes, internet down, tech glitches, hackers stealing and worse of all INSIDER CORRUPTION. This is what awaits you if you believe cashless is the way to go. Say goodbye to your money. Become poor. Be a slave.
  12. My phone cannot connect to Food Panda on True Wifi. However, with my AIS Mobile data it works fine. What's up?
  13. Right after I GET DOWN! And I like to GET DOWN a lot. 5555555
  14. This article is long on trump hate and very short on context. We don't get a clip of his 'anti-semetic' rant. Why? Because it doesn't exist. Don't forget: his daughter married a prominent NYC jew boy. Let's be clear: Trump is an idiot. A used car salesman pretending to be president. And apparently a spring board for Dems to spin off propaganda BS. Don't be just another lemming. Think for yourself.
  15. If you want to know the truth, follow the money trails. They never lie.
  16. Here is how the system works. The business of the main stream media is to program your brain. They bombard you with headlines that make negative associations to all that they want you to avoid. For instance, Trump is associated with X and Elon Musk. Whenever you hear Trump, you immediately see red and get angry. This is because the mainstream media has associated this name with corruption, ignorance, intolerance etc. etc. Yes, these neural networks have been programmed directly into your brain by the MSM. Solution: stop watching the MSM and grow a brain. Also learning to meditate can be extremely helpful, because it stops these neural networks from being created. No this is not a joke, this is actual science and it really does work. Thank you for your time.
  17. To those who agree with OP's generalized prejudice rant I can only suggest that you open your eyes and realize how cowardly you are to point a finger at others in order to distract from your own faults. You really have zero clue about the character and integrity of people you don't know. Please find a more productive use of your time and stop filling the internet with the flatulence exuding from your failed ego.
  18. The meditative peacefulness of native Thai's, no doubt a result of their practice of Buddhism, is one of the attractions. I think that is why many choose to live here. Perhaps if the poster realized the virtue of this they would not have posted a generalized prejudice rant on a public forum. Rather like walking into a Buddhist temple and leaving ones trash on the Butsudan for all to see.
  19. Thepsuthin's poll is clearly contrived. Why? Read the comment section of any post on this topic and the overwhelming majority of them speak in favor of keeping recreational cannabis legal. True even at the Bangkok Post website. Furthermore, almost all comments in favor of reclassifying cannabis as a narcotic are suspiciously troll like. 20 years in the hospitality industry and never seen a drunk customer? Absolutely ludicrous, when they're people drinking their fill every single night at these places.
  20. I think it's very important to understand that the anti-Cannabis movement is largely driven by Big Pharma. Cannabis eats away at their profits. Why? Because Cannabis users drink and smoke tobacco less or not at all, so they aren't as likely to end up in a hospital needing to be treated with pills. Health problems created by alcohol and tobacco exceed those caused by Cannabis by a country mile. The anti-vaping laws in this and other SE countries are there for the same reason. One just needs to see the video comparing vaping to smoking to see how alarmingly ridiculous these laws are. After one month of smoking your lungs are black and brown, but with vaping they remain clear and healthy. Absolute insanity that vaping is illegal while smoking is legal. Big Pharma is big business that needs lots and lots of clients. Very sad, but very true.
  21. Yup, marijuana is getting more potent, most likely because growers are convinced it will sell for more money, with the same amount of production overhead. This happened with alcohol too, and can be easily regulated just like alcohol. Sales to minors should be understood as a violation. All of this is just common sense. But we know the kids are going to get it legal or not, so then it's up to parents and friends to step in and help them out. And while your at it, make sure their alcohol consumption is in check, because that will cause them 1000x more damage than weed. Has anyone here heard of OxyContin? Jezuss, if Big Pharma was put to the same degree of scrutiny that is being focused on weed they'd be bankrupt in a week. OxyContin is just one of their abortions that the public suffered incredibly from: lives completely devastated. I wait for the day when the king pins of Big Pharma, the biggest drug pushers on the planet, the ones who perfected and instituted the craft, making it part of proper society, are duly prosecuted and sentenced to 100x life sentences (and that would be lenient).
  22. Sounds like these kids already had a problem if they were psychologically addicted to weed. Could it be a broken home? An abusive alcoholic father? Just not fitting in at school? Yeah, growing up can be tough. We all have been through such trials and tribulations in one form or another, some more than others, and these kids used weed to escape. What if they had used alcohol instead? Many do. Any reader here can probably recount a tragedy caused by that, but they'd be hard pressed to remember one caused by weed. And, by the way, did our fearless Danish researchers (hopefully not in the pay of Big Pharma, but that is very difficult to avoid in this world) look into correlating these cases with social, familial forces that may have had a significant impact: like Dad getting wasted and beatin' up Mom every Friday night? If you focus a search light on a subject your going to find cracks. There can be no doubt that obsessive behavior is detrimental. How about junk food? I knew a guy with Attention Deficit Disorder, didn't like weed but ate nothing but candy and junk food (probably the cause of the ADD). That crap is toxic as hell, but it's perfectly legal. No studies from Danish people in lab coats taking back pay from Big Pharma (LOL). No 15 year jail terms if you are caught on the bus with pockets full of Snickers bars and Hostess Potato chips. Nope, you can stuff that into you until you explode. There was once this thing called prohibition. Didn't last very long. Led to some of the worst criminal activity of the era. Thailand appears to be gearing up for that as we speak. Can we spare these good people the inevitable pain and suffering it will cause? The young need to be educated and steered into productive healthy lives. Everyone has their own path and should be able to find it without coercion and force. And, yes, if you know someone with an obsessive disorder of any kind, including weed, reach out to them and help.
  23. That's really the crux of the anti-weed argument. They really pour it on. Weed will turn those poor young developing brains into mush: just a bunch of drooling morons all because of weed. What a complete crock of utter BS. How do I know? Been a user since 12 years of age. Used it all of my life and now I am a very successful, very engaged and very happy user in my 50's enjoying a little of the leaf later in the day for relaxation. You will find loads like me, all well adjusted, bright, even brilliant users of Cannabis making amazing contributions to society - not drunk, alcoholic, smoking, abusive, loud, obnoxious fools. And what's more? It has kept me away from being a Big Pharma dope addict, and that is priceless.
  24. This has nothing to do with health concerns. A few kids getting too high from edibles and going to the hospital to spend the night and wake up perfectly fine is not a health crisis. The problems caused by alcohol and tobacco eclipse those caused by cannabis, it's like Mount Everest vs. a mole hill. This is about money and power. Marijuana legalization deeply threatens the establishment. It's a disruptive game changer. And given how incredibly corrupt the establishment has become, I say: BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
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