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About Artisi

  • Birthday August 19

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    Nakhon Nowhere

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  1. Amazing Thailand, don't worry about inconveniencing thousands of tourist - run your kiddies show and bugger everybody else.
  2. And if Ukraine doesn't survive, you don't really believe for 1 minute that Russia is going to get into bed with trump and his whacko team and supply the minerals trump is so eager to get his hands on.
  3. Actually, Zelensky is offering trump and his poodle the chance to rectify their stupidity and ill manners, but as they both think they can walk on water it will be arrogantly dismissed as they believe they can do no wrong.
  4. As is clearly and constantly being shown by a few posters, they don't believe any follower could possibly not believe all of Trumps nonsense and his 💩💩💩
  5. He cures constipation without too much trouble by giving the majority of people the sh1ts.
  6. Pay absolutely no attention to this poster - just a fanboy, that means no critical thinking on the subject.
  7. Not only in this fora, I follow and contribute in an engineering forum and the number of times the basic necessary detail for very complex questions is completely lacking, not thought thru' or just a garble of nonsense by supposedly qualified people. So it's understandable in as forum such as this one much detail is missed.
  8. Together with a very large number of Americans hanging their heads in shame for the stupidity of their president and his pet poodle for the treatment of the president of another country. Absolute low class shameful behaviour.
  9. Grasping at straws now, assuming the outcome of such a meeting would hinge around how people are dressed makes you as stupid as your fan boy and his pet poodle.
  10. Of course your Russian / Ukranian is perfect.
  11. But they won't, they will be too busy praising the goodness of their flawed hero trump and his pet poodle as being the greatest guys who ever lived.
  12. Thought I'd join you for a few minutes, you must be so lonely looking at how many posts in one month - how many thousands is it?
  13. Correct, good posters are rated by quality, not quantity.
  14. No second prizes today - sorry.
  15. And you had to pass comment, so what does that indicate?
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