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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Based on what, crystal ball?
  2. Yeah, yeah, yeah sounds like a load of BS
  3. Is that the pedantic know-all who adds nothing to the discussion other than picking holes in every comment?
  4. Yes, they seem to be a bit hit and miss on seeking updates - I've only been asked once in many years.
  5. who said we wasn't getting the usual privileges etc.
  6. With your vast experience in all things and unlimited knowledge, I would have thought you were well versed in the behind story of Ferrari Joe's past and the reason as to why many are suspect of his suicide. It doesn't excuse his stupidity in what happened, but certainly shuts him up allowing many people to breath a bit easier now.
  7. No, it's Thailand who has a long history of unresolved balcony and high level window falls.
  8. Don't write Big Joke off just yet, stayed tuned.
  9. He's not in charge, never was and never will be - there is a bigger power than Thaksin, Thaksin is just the convenient front man at the moment.
  10. Correct, it covers, "he who can't be named, a few of the old military hierarchy, owners of the few major companies, all are intermarried or connected in one way or another by long term relationships"
  11. problem is far too many people have just dropped out of the trees and still have their knuckles dragging on the ground.
  12. on the estate I'm on of 150 + houses, more that 50% pump straight from the mains to their storage tanks when the supply pressure is low, there is normally sufficient water - just low pressure. This is not unusual throughout thailand, I've also seen many set-ups where they continually pump direct from the main. Of course there is a very good reason why it's illegal - but that another story and has been discussed previously.
  13. Pretty bland response, especially from a trump lover.
  14. It is illegal to pump straight off the main supply, although saying that it is common practice in Thailand. The problem could be lack of water in the main, if insufficient water available at the pump, pumping won't necessarily fix the problem
  15. Well he does make and directs decisions via the clone PM, but It's only smart people who care and they unfortunately don't rate under the current political fiasco. He really needs curbing and taken out of the circuit one way or another.
  16. More likely sick of playing with his grandkids and needs a break away.
  17. Being Angela Merkel would be a vast improvement.
  18. What a load of absolute BS. Negotiation master - guess that explains his multi business failures and court cases. You need to do better than that.
  19. What a surprise that they sided with the corruption
  20. Yep, we can see how trump is now really trying to save Ukranian and not stick a knife in Zelensky's, this demonstrated clearly by cutting off all intelligence data for their survival. Seems to me and others that like a spoilt child, trump has grabbed his ball and left in a huff as he couldn't get his own way. Typical actions of a spoilt child, spit the dummy and throw it out of the pram. An absolute poor excuse for decent human being.
  21. Amazing Thailand, don't worry about inconveniencing thousands of tourist - run your kiddies show and bugger everybody else.
  22. And if Ukraine doesn't survive, you don't really believe for 1 minute that Russia is going to get into bed with trump and his whacko team and supply the minerals trump is so eager to get his hands on.
  23. Actually, Zelensky is offering trump and his poodle the chance to rectify their stupidity and ill manners, but as they both think they can walk on water it will be arrogantly dismissed as they believe they can do no wrong.
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