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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Thailand would be better off concentrating on reducing pollution from all other "Thai-induced " pollutants like crop burn-offs etc than worrying about the pipe dreaming of being a hub of hydrogen or electric vehicle development.
  2. I'll reserve my judgement until such times as the dust clears.
  3. "leaves a lot ......" What standard, nothing unusual .......
  4. Have you ever considered he returned from exile and appointed to such a senior position by a very important person for a good reason, and what you're seeing now is those who are vulnerable to his return are running scared of their future and attempting to undermine him.
  5. Seems that way, must be a few very worried people about him being in the top spot and getting their ar$e's uncovered.
  6. It's just a game to appease and appear they are doing the right thing when we already know the ordained outcome - a farce.
  7. Not forgetting the super sleuth BMW cars purchased at highly inflated prices.
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