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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. And then maybe it was activated by persons unknown to ensure that a certain person was "caught out" for being a hinderance to bigger and better plans for a few others.
  2. Currently he's advertising for a driver, gardener and a cook to help with asset redistribution.
  3. Fishing boats? , suggest you research the Chinese navel fleet.
  4. .... for good reason. China is no different to a spoilt child, if you don't play the way I want, I'll take my football and go home. Luckily it seems they are now being helped with directions as to the quickest way there.
  5. Hope any re-unification is a little more subtle than the re-unification of Tibet, thousands slaughtered, land ransacked and re-populated with mainland Chinese to dilute the Tibetan culture.
  6. Why not, might as well use all the available funds for such a noble cause ????
  7. Seems they are already licking their boots and kissing their @®$E.
  8. Well at least they won't cause a nuclear disaster first time they crash into something.
  9. Think you are way off-side with your comment, suggest you review the buildup of resources, the incursions and threats into other countries and areas - it should become obvious as to who is bullying and why.
  10. Couldn't agree more, just have a look at who are preaching boom and gloom, the one endeavouring to control the whole SE Asian region with their buildup of facilities and threats. Well guess what "centre of the world" you're in for a shock.
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