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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. So they won't you to believe.
  2. Because they own them and can't trust anyone if they leave them at the station.
  3. Just another illegal money generating scheme to enhance the already bulging bank balance of a few of the BIB, nothing new or surprising.
  4. Darwin in action, unfortunately he took someone along as well.
  5. Maybe it was a hand up the back of the blouse
  6. Think you could sum that up a lot easier just by saying "what a mob of f uking whacko's"
  7. Seems the main cause of crashes is - stupidity resulting from speeding, drinking and brains in neutral.
  8. It's ok, only 5 days to go after which the officials / law makers and law enforcers can bury their heads in the sand once again.
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