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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. It's a given it will be dismantled as it's a threat to the current hi-so / military power base, you can't have the unwashed plebs controlling the country.
  2. And when to call it quits and give it a rest occasionally.
  3. It's the same for all religions, eastern, western, middle eastern etc, all with many idiots who get noted for their stupidity whereas the good deeds don't appear in the news, therefore the perception is screwed towards the idiot fringe.
  4. While many others are doing the right thing and not involved with this stupid nonsense.
  5. Honest criticism and Thailand, a complete conflict of terms.
  6. Just more stupid monk magic, what's wrong with these idiots - jail a few of them, 1 to a safeguard the vulnerable public and secondly set and example to these idiots with their hokus pokus nonsense.
  7. Who would have ever thought that the high outdoor temp. would have an impact on outdoor activities?
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