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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. She'll be in good company, both as useful as tits on a bull
  2. You can bet Xi was thinking to himself, "who the xxxx is this bimbo"
  3. There has always been discretion in negotiations for traffic fines, it was called "what's in it for me?"
  4. this just means he has to dig a little deeper into the slush funds at election time, it's amazing what a few extra Baht can achieve, it can even surpass his resurrection from deaths door.
  5. Not as insane as the nonsense being spouted by America's greatest idiot and his ar$e licking cronies of this century.
  6. So poo thai won 16 BJ won 14 That means 17 were won by others, does that mean that poo thai were the runner uppers?
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