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Everything posted by Bungditin

  1. If you are using the Air Asia app I’ve had similar problems. Actually I find their app appalling. Even when it shows the flights and I try to book I get “ oops something has gone wrong” when I’m about to pay. Contacting their human customer services is impossible. The last time I had a problem when they cancelled an interconnecting flight I faced a two hour round trip to the airport to speak to a human in their booking office to sort it out. Now if I’m forced to use AA I book via Agoda or Airpaz or similar. It’s a shame because the ‘planes are nice and the crew normally excellent.
  2. Having just returned from the UK, and maybe because I’ve lived here for a long time, I think this Thai brand tastes much nicer.
  3. Yep, wore a DateJust for years here and never a problem. Most people on the street probably thought it was a fake. Never a problem which was just as well because no insurance company would give me cover for it.
  4. I’ve always compared the Thai smile to the American use of the phrase “ Have a nice day”. Neither are especially genuine.
  5. Shame about the old man but we don’t really know what these injuries were. Certainly not serious enough to report the police. More likely gutter press exaggeration. What a lot of winging kill joy’s the rest of you are though.
  6. I’d like to know the full story of what led up to this. Also, I’m pretty sure in Thailand it is illegal to photograph or video someone without their permission and then to upload this footage is a breach of the Computer Crimes Act. In one photo they have pixeled out his face but not the footage.
  7. You guys think too much. Probably a leak on the hydraulic system and they landed whilst there was still enough pressure to operate the gear. After fixing the leak and refilling the system they were on their way.
  8. Does he really think anyone cares about 300 baht. Better to look after your resident foreigners that spend there foreign currency here and stop this ridiculous tax. Where exactly do you think we spent the money we bring into Thailand
  9. So it will be 300 baht to come in and 700 to leave. It is very odd that this is not incorporated into the exit fee as you say. I vaguely remember this being floated some years ago and the government line was that the 300 would be used towards covering medical expenses for uninsured tourists.
  10. I remember many years ago we had a 500 baht exit fee that we had to pay in cash when leaving the country. Then this was supposedly incorporated into the ticket. Is that still in place? 300 baht is pennies compared to what tourists spend so I don’t know why anyone would have an issue, but wonder if the 500 is still there and this tax is really 800 in total.
  11. Indeed, it’s not as if the flight is going through a war zone. This could have happened on any flight, anywhere.
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