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  1. It's one of the best non alcohol beers. Believe or not, Russian "Baltica" is the best! Now we can't get it in the West. "The Baltika #0 is exported to over 30 countries of the world, including the USA, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, and Ireland. This brand has been repeatedly declared the best alcohol-free beer at Russian and international professional contests."
  2. Come back after 60 days and 2x 30 days extensions. Only then you know. Let us know too. I hope you and your agent can do it!
  3. Is this the "gun"? https://www.adweek.com/creativity/heinz-ketchup-eat-fearlessly-unstainable-thobe/
  4. The whole Isan used to be Laos so you may get lucky.
  5. I know, but I'm 6mo in EU and it's avalanche of Google sh....t.
  6. This, bad security, has been going for a long time.... Abe's case; "Parker remained on the police force until 1868 when he was fired for sleeping on duty. He later went back to work as a carpenter. He died of pneumonia complicated by asthma and exhaustion in Washington, D.C., on June 28, 1890. He was buried in an unmarked grave at Glenwood Cemetery."
  7. LINE's instructions promise it's possible to get Line within the EU without phone number by using Email. (I haven't given my ph# to Google - too much junk will come) But when I try Google refuses to verify me to LINE without phone number... There's non Email option shown (LINE instruction shows Email option). I've written to LINE w screen shots but haven't gotten any answer or help. Anybody knows how to do it? Last time when in Th I got LINE w Th phone# but after updating to WIN11 it went MIA. I use Line only on my laptop. Phone's back-up. It was working fine for 7 years.
  8. I had to upgrade to Win11 when my foreign ID and Banking stopped to work. It's not good, it's asking to update security and other updates every 4th or 6th day... As noted pdf is gone too. And who knows what more. No choice, gotta try to cope. If it was up to me I still would be using 95SE or Win 7 PRO - two the bests ever 🙂 I've been backing up all C-drives to Western Digital external drive for 15 years. Cheap and works fine. I also have current banking and other most important on USB stick. I don't trust any "cloud" services. They suck you in for "free" service and then make it to pay-to-play, like Google did that with photos. Plus: More and more major security break-ins are coming...
  9. This is very smart and works on ants too. I've done that in many hotel rooms; kill "scout ants" and leave there. Ants are very smart, they don't come to the same place when they find some pals dead...
  10. Yes, I am, but I don't support any kind of violence.
  11. My ex gf, (now a friend) has a house and business building. Each worth about 4.5 mil. Neither one has any insurance! Crazy... She was leasing out the house and didn't require any insurance. Now she doing same for business - w/o requirement. Is this common and why?
  12. I followed hearing on CNN and could not believe how incompetent, stupid and arrogant she was!!! No wonder 90% of Secret Security officers were unhappy and quitting. Ol' Joe was gone long time ago: "She protected President Joe Biden during his time as vice president and was assistant director of the Office of Protective Operation before retiring, for a short time, to run global security for PepsiCo. Biden appointed her to head the Secret Service in 2022." - Better she goes back to see Pepsi bottles are not being mishandled...
  13. You may be right - wouldn't be first time US leave "friends" behind, like in Iraq and Afghanistan. But I wonder how well you follow news? Does the US guarantee Taiwan security? The TRA requires the United States to have a policy "to provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character" and "to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan".
  14. Can I post a positive and nice "feel good story" to take a break of political mud slinging? Thank you. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/built-home-thailand-us-property-035118603.html
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