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black tabby12345

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  1. Hi, it was not transfer(to anyone else). Just a simple cash deposit into my own account. Before that day, tellers never asked me for ID, for deposit. Only needed when I take any money out of my account. And opening/closing account/term deposit rollover. That is why I started this thread to find out what is happening to other people, at other banks...
  2. Thank you for your reply. Little had I expected that much hassles for the US pensioners here, for ATM card(I, myself, not a US national). As long as you feel OK with your bank, I shouldn't say anything about it. Wish you have a good day.
  3. Bike without number plate. The perfect criminal attire(must have removed it before attacking passing cars). Good to know that SOB busted promptly.
  4. Hi, thank you for your story. So in your case, they always wanted to see your ID, for your deposit(as well), from the beginning? And BKK Bank Refused to Issue an ATM card for you? Then you finally got one, but didn't work? Awful, isn't it? And I wonder if you are still willing to deal with that institution, despite their Unkindness? Honestly, in my personal experience(back in 2006), I didn't have a good impression with BKK Bank. As they gave me B.S. when I tried to open an account with them. They demanded me to bring in reference from my main bank back home. I promptly walked away, and went to another bank where they did it for me straight away, only with passport. Ever since, it has been my trusted main bank...
  5. Serving people's safety. Frontline Hero's facing new challenge in his life. Wish all well with him... Is there any support movement for him? I felt like sending some donation if possible.
  6. Thanks for your info. As I don't use app thing, not familiar with that...
  7. Simply because yours didn't look fun. If you believe I don't have a sense of humor, check my past post. I typed a lot of jokes that made good sense(made quite a few people laugh)...
  8. Building a wall on their Cambodian border? Then, illegal aliens will start to come through the tunnel beneath it. As demonstrated on US-Mexican border..
  9. They might make some good money while young. But that is time-limited job. They will eventually lose their ”Market Value”, and end up as the Unemployable. That is why they are often very keen to find out their men(from their clients), as their insurance policy for survival...
  10. My first time to see Monkey's Selfie, LOL. Just like zombies, they also evolve in One Generation?
  11. During his first term, I heard that Trump spend most of his time in his office typing twitter.
  12. Hi, you probably know that Thai construction standard isn't really that high in the first place(so as their maintenance level). Therefore the same nightmare you quoted might take place in this kingdom as well. Sometime in 1990s, in S/Korea, huge department store collapsed, and it killed over 500. And that place didn't even have salinity issue... Sampoong Department Store collapse - Wikipedia
  13. Hi, allow me one simple question. Is it dangerous to wear it in some other places? Oh, Maybe in Ukraine today. Especially after Trump expressed his intention to stop aid package for them, and showing his stance(siding with Poo-tin)?
  14. Hi, how are you today? Can you allow me some simple question, please? I wonder what makes you so keen to judge total strangers that way, branding them Winners, or Losers? Any big fun in it? If you are happy your life here, isn't that enough? They live in their world, and you live in yours... I often wake up early in the morning. Usually daily 30-60 minutes exercise before breakfast. Cooking my breakfast. Feeding my friend' rabbit(while my landlord's family is tied up to their farm works). Watering plants. Admiring all forms living things around me; squirrels running around on wires, chirping sparrows and mina birds, occasionally feed them. Enjoying my simple daily routine each day...
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