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Everything posted by Inlandchris1

  1. Found the garage that fixes transmissions and engine overhaul. Price is very reasonable and duration is 5 days. Going in tomorrow to have it done. They take credit card and they only speak Thai. They repair/rebuild in-house not ship it. picture below is google map of location, Chiang mai next to the train station
  2. I am looking through all these comments to learn more about EV cars and all I get is criticism about the other guy not knowing this and that.
  3. That is the first thing I did, it helped a little but still has a problem when stopping; its late in downshifting to first gear. Thanks
  4. Anybody can advise of a transmission shop name in Chiang mai or Bangkok? have Honda 2006 K20z3 engine 2.0 liter. Transmission is an automatic 6 speed. And I really don’t know if the trans or torque converter is going out but one of the two or both is going out.
  5. I heard 60 surgeries per week
  6. Yes, but in my case, I did not want plan B because you can’t use medicare while inside Thailand so no point in paying for something you can’t use. After not having plan B, you want it now? They add up all the years you didn't have it and add it to your premium. So, that makes my premium >$330 per month! I have been living in Thailand since I was 54, retired, now 73, do the math.
  7. Price doesn’t determine the quality of care, reviews and references do.
  8. Correct, no water in the eye so they say not to wash your face/hair for one month. So, I bought a skin diver's mask and problem solved.
  9. I agree! I have a 3k liter tank plus 3 filters outside (sediment, carbon and fine filters) on a rack. Then, inside a five stage filter system includes UV. Boiling the water produces NO calcium. But buying Nestle Pure Life bottle water has calcium in it after boiling! “Pure Life” means pure I thought but when I complained to Nestle in Thailand, they said they put calcium in the water! What?! I said their filter systems were faulty. They immediately wanted my address so they could pickup the water and analyze it. I don’t trust people like that since they could take any bottled water from Big C and have it tested. Beware of giving your address away on a complaint. The reason I bought bottled water is my under sink water system broke. I am now looking for a good/cheap system inside.
  10. 18 years ago they didnt have E85 gas. Short runs without the engine getting hot will produce sludge in the oil and will block oil hles. The result, engine failure in one year
  11. Well then, I consider myself very lucky. On the engine, only had the water pump go out/noisy. Everything else still works fine. Engine is okay at 250,000 km but will take it in for a valve adjustment because of the clacky noise. However, still interested in a rebuild or a swap with a k20
  12. This car I have taken care of it a lot, one of the most reliable car I have owned. Buying a used car is not in the cards. Buying a new car is expensive and they are not as good as my car. So, the answer is keep my car and add a little more hp to it along with E85.
  13. This is a real possibilty but I need a cost compare. Rebuild with a better camshaft without the advanced gear and all bearings, seals, heads ported/polished, upgrade the carburetor with E85 sensor and maybe a larger gas tank.
  14. Thank you, not in a hurry yet but being prepared: 2006 Honda civic, 2.0 liter engine, auto 6 speed. Dont know the engine model # yet, have to find the label. Interested in info for 3 things: k20z3, rebuild my own and auto trans rebuild or new.
  15. May I ask where/who is this transmission shop? I might like to contact soon
  16. I have a 2006 Honda civic with a 2.0 liter engine, good engine but getting old. I would like to swap it out for a K20z3 if possible and need to know who in Chiang mai does this? If too expensive, then possible swap out for a K24 but I think its has too many modifications. anybody on this forum know any mechanics/shops that specializes in this? thanks for reading
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