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robin of the hood

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Everything posted by robin of the hood

  1. Why not use your debit card or COD all this for what so you can moan about something that's so easy to get round. I despair
  2. When I decided to remove myself from the Hoke that is the UK. I did my due diligence before hand. At the time I didn't have a destination country in mind. Just the urge to rid myself of the hell hole of work sleep and die that is the UK So regardless of fair or not the fact of the matter is I knew the rules, I also knew through past experience that these rules wouldn't be changing for the better at any point in the rest of my life. So when I eventually settled here in Thailand I knew the rules. I had worked setting myself up with a 2 good pensions that are index linked and are located offshore so no tax to the UK government ( this was planned why should I pay tax on money I earned and set aside for my retirement). So when I eventually got to the age required to claim my UK pension I knew it was frozen. But on the plus side I will never have to pay tax on it. Those who didn't do there Homework on Old age pension rules have only themselves to blame. In the same breath those who didn't plan for there old age with other pensions or investments again can only look at themselves.
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