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Rob Browder

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Everything posted by Rob Browder

  1. You can get a retirement-based extension, and then your wife/family can get visas to stay with you, based on your having it. If you found a job in Thailand, you would need to change to a different reason than retirement - "Non-B" being used for those working here, who are not married to a Thai national. When that job ends, you can go back to retirement-extensions, again.
  2. When they made the policy change, they didn't throw people out who were already in the system - but they blocked anyone from applying who didn't have the YB / Pink-ID. That is ongoing, unless/until we hear otherwise.
  3. They could do that now - just get married first - not that hard to do. Then, add the DTV, which is designed to keep those who work remotely spending their money in Thailand. PR would be the obvious thing to offer to anyone here for years, married to a Thai, or supporting a Thai child.
  4. Back then, there was a 2x / calendar-year on land-border entries. That is why people got stuck, then. If they had "too many" tourist-visas, they had to get a new passport from their embassy, before they could get another Tourist visa.
  5. He said he was worried about the paperwork not being approved. The Thai consulates in Laos do not accept the application unless your paperwork is deemed OK. If it wasn't approved / didn't get the visa, he could still come back no problem - get whatever missing thing, and try again later. Though, if following the tested paperwork lists in the main thread on the DTV, denial is unlikely.
  6. Singapore requires entering via air - not ideal for a border-bounce. You would provide your boarding-pass for your return-flight at Thai immigration. If you get a Non-O Visa at a Thai immigration office, you will be granted 90-days stay, and the visa will be marked "used" immediately. There is no need to go anywhere. In the last 30-days of that 90-days granted, you then may apply for a 1-year non-O extension at the same immigration office.
  7. IO will just want to see your TM-30 printout, and may verify it exists in the system. They may then give you a little 1/4-page receipt to put in your passport.
  8. Now, bring home the "authority" in the form of a TV, and indoctrinate them 24/7, along with what is "taught" in schools, etc. "Experts all agree..." And how are experts pay-rewarded? By saying what those paying them want to hear. This tends to function primarily as a justification system, however. A big factor is money. Those with very little are more likely to just have kids, because no hope of ever not being poor. Ironically, the "middle class" creates a budget-trap, which discourages "expensive" children for "responsible" parents, who "plan for their financial future."
  9. Call the main office and ask. They will tell you that you need it, as will local offices. But I'd be open to any recent (last ~2 years) report of it being obtained without the Yellow Book and Pink-ID.
  10. Not "stuck in Laos" - since the borders from Laos to Thailand allow re-entry with Visa-Exempt (now 60-days) without the need for agents, etc - even if have recent visa-exempt use-history. That said, just read the DTV pinned-thread, and the list of exactly what is needed are there.
  11. Could also - put the 800K in the bank. Use the agent 1 more time. DIY the following year and onward.
  12. In many cases, personnel working a condo-office will handle TM-30s for the condo-owners who rent out their units. The only way to know for certain is to ask them.
  13. If you have the needed documents, you can self-register yourself with the TM-30 system and file the report as a tenant. There is no way to access one filed by a landlord / property-owner, however.
  14. See the "Millgram Experiment" - obeying authority. The same sad (terrifying) result is found in nations with higher and lower average intelligence. Most decisions are made subconsiously, then acted-on with a conscious "justification" created. The messages being pushed matter, because whether us "black-sheep" types see through it or not, we will be run through the same corrals as the non-critical-thinkers. They will even bash us if we don't "follow the leader" with them.
  15. Great, then we don't have an 'aging population' problem, and it's not an issue. Yet "authorities" tell us it is, for some reason. Where "beneath them" is when there is a foreigner willing to do the job for dirt-poor pay. We hear the same bull in the West, yet we did "those jobs" right up to the day the wages were cut over 50% by allowing foreign hiring.
  16. They require a lot of things, unless you use an agent. It is a carrot/stick system.
  17. How much time spent in Thailand in previous years? Any long-stretches of time? Seven weeks out of ~30+ weeks (at your last visit) should not have set them off - those were not long/extended stays - but it did, for some reason. Rejected entry would seem very unlikely with 4 mo away, but can always just pay them off to let you in, like those saying here full-time on visa-exempts do - is what they are really after with all the hassling: https://aseannow.com/topic/1336926-setv-metv-still-around-now-that-visa-exempts-are-now-60-days/?do=findComment&comment=19217493 ... I would guess you would be in the 2000 baht category, based on that post.
  18. This is the document stating one is single, supplied by one's embassy, needed to get married in Thailand @steve187. Some offices ask for this in the hopes you won't have it, so they can avoid the 'hard work' of processing a marriage-based extension - usually only on the 1st extension. I do not recall CW / Bangkok being reported to require this. But, yes, you could get a copy from the amphoe where you got married if you needed it. It is always best to apply as soon as you can, with time for a 2nd attempt if the 1st fails - 30 to 45 days in-advance of your current permitted-stay expiring (depending on the office).
  19. I assume you are in Thailand, and cannot get an appointment at a nearby Thai Consulate for a Non-O Visa? If so, yes, there are border-run companies you can use to exit/re-enter Thailand without issue - these serving the Cambodian and Malaysian borders. I also have not heard any bad-reports from DIY border runs out of Nong-Khai. Some crossings closer to Chiang Mai require an overnight-stay in Laos before returning.
  20. Who encouraged them to have fewer children? Remember how they pushed all the "save the planet" crap on us - now say because we did that, our homelands must be flooded foreigners to "save us"? If there are fewer of us - so what? More land/resources per-each. I wonder why those in nations with dirt-poor wages were not "instructed" to limit their numbers? On the contrary - food and medical-aid were funded by taxing us, to maximize their population growth, as their populations exploded. How Odd, if the goal was "reducing the planet's population," as we were told. And, nevermind all the Thais out in the hinterlands who would like to do the jobs the immigrants are doing, but because they pay wages only immigrants will accept, they opt for a subsistence existence. Others move across the planet to find a job that pays a decent wage - separated from their families - because immigrants are in THEIR country keeping wages low.
  21. If it is an extension based on working, and you are still working for the business (salary received and taxes paid, ongoing), then your permitted-stay is legal until your work-permit ends. You would need to find a new operating-location for the business to renew your work-permit - but that is a matter for the Labor office - not immigration. I would do this ASAP. Immigration could, of course, "inspect" your work situation at any time for compliance, though this is usually done shortly after a new extension. Most importantly, if your work-permit is not renewed, a Non-B based extension would then become invalid when your work-permit ends.
  22. Could always do the 30-days (tr) then the 60-days (wife), before. The 60-days seems to have really rankled some IOs, and this seems like a reaction to that. I wonder if that is why the rollout was delayed so long after the announcement. The core question would be, "Why would the CARE if you stay longer, if legally done?" Yet they are - still taking out their anger on those who got covid extensions. The only answer I can come up with is agents / etc.
  23. Yes, if you want to continue your Thai-SS-Health after your job ends - full coverage for 420 Baht/mo flat-rate. Other reasons also, but for that one, is mission-critical.
  24. I wish I could have just paid 5000 Baht. I spent over that on witnesses and poo-yai-ban, anyway - and took all day twice + waiting 6 months to finally get the head-guy to sign-off on it. They refused envelope-service (a witness asked).
  25. ... and the space to put the address was tiny relative to Thai addresses. I used to hand the IO a business-card for my condo building, and they were visibly relieved to have a legible source, which they seemed to input into their system. I would suggest anyone entering have a printed address to show an IO, if asked.
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