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  1. So what did you do in China? You keep spouting nonsense about your intellectual pursuits and yet here you are living in self exile in Thailand because you did not like the politics of Xi. Why aren’t you at Harvard dealing the Chinese doctoral students? Maybe your brother in law will give you the airfare. Do this site a favor and stop bothering people with your nonsense. Looking at at the insulting responses to your posts, why do you subject yourself to this? Masochist, or a beaten dog who will take any kind of attention?
  2. Why don’t you ask the person who wrote it? Why are you bothering me with this nonsense? FYI, you should write, “Is the the correct way to write”, not “is this the correct way to spell”. No need to thank me for the English lesson, I like to help those who are less fortunate
  3. And here you are fantasizing about Chinese PhD’s from Harvard and boring us with your tales about life in China. If China was so good, why did you leave? English teaching contract ended? By the way, Harvard Univerity does not have an ESL program. Conversational English is offered through an extension program and students are NOT matriculated at Harvard
  4. I have no idea what you are writing about.
  5. You contradict yourself. Stay locked in your room with your fantasies about Chinese PhD’s.
  6. How does this equate to “limited English”: “A strong knowledge of English is essential for successful study at Harvard, including the ability to understand and express thoughts quickly and clearly.” Your ludicrous postings are getting worse
  7. Dems would never be in this position if biden had picked a VP candidate based upon qualifications, rather than DEI
  8. Does the Thailand number include the millions (bllions?) of debt to loan sharks?
  9. As long as Thailand has tuk tuks and motorbike taxis as an accepted means of public transport, it will be a third world country
  10. Canada $100,000 per account, US $250,000, UK £85,000,
  11. With this protection, better to leave your money in a box under the bed: The Thai Savings Guarantee protects up to a maximum of ฿1 million baht per person per bank.
  12. There are no side effects from high blood pressure. That is why it is called the silent killer. Mopping floors in a hospital does not qualify you to give medical advise, Dr. Mop
  13. There are 1,300+ wealthy pensioners with the LTR, each having a minimum annual income of $80,000. If each person spent only half of that annual income in Thailand each year, this would be $52,000,000. I seriously doubt that the Thai government would risk losing this
  14. Classic case of the beaten dog syndrome
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