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  1. Without going into details, my experience tells me that one of the topics for discussion is the US providing training and technical assistance to the RTD to help them implement their proposed tax changes. The US will readily agree to help the RTD.
  2. I believe that is an extremely conservative description of the severe pm 2.5 air quality issues that infect northern Thailand for 4-5 months a year
  3. I grew up in a small town in western Mass. i have read a few of your posts regarding living in Thailand and can commiserate with you. I am much older than you, so do not want the hassle of doing another (would be #6) international move. Also, we plan to only spend 6 months a year in Thailand. As I am sure you are aware, fishing, hiking, camping are either not to be had or not worth bothering to try. Please do not think that I am meddling in your personal life, but I do not see how you can remain in Thailand and be happy
  4. Please read his post. He defined residency as simply owning property. I defined residency as being based upon days spent in a country
  5. Your statement regarding how countries define residency is totally incorrect. For tax purposes, residency is defined as residing in the country for more than 180 days in a calendar year. This has been stated countless times in this forum and simply Googling “residency for tax purposes” would give you the correct information. Further, what if I have a house in England, but live full time in Thailand? According to you, England would consider me to be a resident? Your prediction regarding property prices in 2025 is worth as much as your false definition of “resident”
  6. Nonsensical posting. OP claims to know everything about pho and then makes the quoted, grossly incorrect statement. South Australia has the best pho outside of Thailand??? What about Vietnam?
  7. Considering getting a place in the US to spend part of the year. Could you please tell me what state this is.
  8. Some words of encouragement. I had sciatica for about four years. Tried muscle relaxants, different sleeping positions, whatever I could think of. Earlier this year, a doctor in Bangkok recommended strengthening the body core. After two weeks of ab crunches, the sciatica went away. I also did yoga bag stretching and strengthening exercises. Sciatica also led to my walking abnormally. Custom made shoe inserts resolved this issue. I am now in the third week of a hiking holiday
  9. recent California study: In a study published in Science Advances this week, researchers used a new epidemiological model to examine the impacts of wildfire PM2.5 exposure between 2008-2018: a period that includes some of the state’s most destructive and deadly fire seasons. There were at least 52,480 premature deaths attributed to exposure to the inhalable particulate matter from wildfires, and at least $432bn in health expenses associated with the exposure, according to the study. ”there is evidence of an increase in the risk of both cardiovascular- and respiratory-related effects in response to wildfire smoke exposure, particularly as the intensity of wildfire smoke increases.”
  10. If the world needed an enema, Pattaya would be the insertion point
  11. Rainy season has come, so no more mention about the filthy polluted air that exists in Thailand until the next wildfire and manmade fire season. While the harmful affects of PM 2.5 are well known, a recent study in California related to PM 2.5 and wildfires shows that wildfire smoke PM 2.5 pollution is worse than that caused by other sources. I did some research and read that not only is PM 2.5 caused by fires worse, but this type of PM 2.5 combined with high temperatures is even more unhealthy. Since I have no expectations that anything will change, I will continue to live elsewhere during the smokey season “In a study published in Science Advances this week, researchers used a new epidemiological model to examine the impacts of wildfire PM2.5 exposure between 2008-2018: a period that includes some of the state’s most destructive and deadly fire seasons. There were at least 52,480 premature deaths attributed to exposure to the inhalable particulate matter from wildfires.”
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