1st quesrion. I'm doing some major renovation to my Thai home, so it's a good time for me to update the electrical system (house was built around 20 years ago). Will be renewing most of the wiring and CU.
Am in the UK now for a short trip, so am wondering..... any reason why I can't use kit from the UK ? The 18th Edition spec is a metal CU c/w 100A main switch and 40kA Type 2 SPD (20 way is 60gbp). With all RCBO protected circuits, 30mA RCBO - Type A B Curve (these are 15gbp each)
I've looked at the Schneider range in Thailand which I'm sure is OK but the prices seem higher than UK? The RCBOs are around 1200 baht on Lazada.
I'm aware that the electrical system in Thailand is TN-C-S with MEN. So I will need to add the N to E link in the CU. Is 10mm adequate for that ?
Its a DIN rail system so in theory, can always fit another brand of RCBO in the future if need be.
2nd question. Can I fit a supply isolator switch between the incoming L and N cable and the CU, just like they do in many UK homes ? They are sold here as a 100A DP switch, along with 63/80/100 fuses. Gives some protection and can isolate the CU easily.
3rd question. I have an electronic engineering background, so pretty confident about overseeing the installation. But how competent is a Thai electrician with regards to testing continuity, resistance, polarity etc. Would they ever use a Megger tester or is that a silly question ?
Many thanks for any advice given