Hi Sheryl,
Thank you for the reply. That was my initial suspicion as well. I've had several back and forth messages with the head SS office in Bangkok to try and get a direct answer. Below are some of the replies from the officer. As you can see, according to what they have written, it seems I was never supposed to be allowed to be insured under Section 33 to begin with. I asked them several times directly if my school could choose to continue paying into SS for teachers, but their answer never seemed to directly answer that question. Instead, the officer kept coming back to the point that private school teachers are not allowed to be enrolled.
Here are some snippets of the officer's replies for your reference:
"In the case an employee is an individual primarily engaged in teaching duties (including international schools), they will not be able to register as insured persons under Section 33."
"SSO Contact center 1506 wishes to thank you for your interest in our services, we would like to inform you that
The Private School Act (No. 2) 2011, came into effect on June 10, 2011. It stipulates that employees of the following entities must register as insured persons under Section 33:
- All non-teaching staff in non-system schools
- Individuals not primarily involved in teaching or supporting the educational activities of the school within the system (including international schools)
- Educational personnel of international schools, provided they were previously insured under Section 33 of the Social Security Act 1990 and have contributed supplementary funds before January 12, 2008, according to the Private School Act 2007 (Amendment No. 2) 2011, Section 86."
"SSO Contact center 1506 wishes to thank you for your interest in our services, we would like to inform you that in case employee primarily engages in teaching duties (including those at international schools), they will not be able to register as insured persons under Section 33 due to not following the criteria and conditions for registering an employee/insured person under Section 33."