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  1. Agree. The same for sure. However, there are two possible options: the speechwriter supports Russia or the speechwriter supports the USA. All these nice people on Russian TV - they seem to say pro-Russian things. However, they say anything about Trump (mostly good things) 10 times more often than about Putin. As a result, a large number of Russians have an unconscious conviction that their real president is the American president - and they should listen to him and not to Putin.
  2. In any case, if the terrorists are found, they will be shot before they can open their mouths to say anything. And the terrorists will definitely have new passports in their pockets. This always happens in any terrorist attack in London.
  3. What is the purpose of any terrorist attack? To scare. But it is impossible to scare something that does not make decisions. Putin and Lavrov have said many times that all decisions are made in Washington. Therefore, there is no point for the Russians to commit a terrorist attack in London.
  4. Your worst restaurant experience was much better than mine. The worst restaurant experience of my life was with very polite people from Slovakia who came to Phuket to open a restaurant in Rawai. They opened a restaurant in a place with few tourists, cooked a lot of food and put it in the refrigerator. Since there were no customers, everything went bad. But the smart Europeans decided that it was too expensive to throw it all away - better to sell it to someone. I had a very hard night after visiting this place. After some time, the restaurant was closed.
  5. The wet sweet dream of our leader, Vladimir, is to restore the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, ordinary people in Russia and Ukraine have not yet wanted to return to the Soviet Union enough. This is a big problem because Vladimir has nothing to ask from tovarisch Trump, who is ready to cooperate. He cannot ask for the Soviet Union back because people do not yet want it yet. That is why Vladimir sometimes responds too slowly to Trump’s readiness. Glad to see that the media resources in Russia are trying to help people understand and love their bright Soviet future.
  6. "Why is All the Hate Towards Russia and Not China?" They will never explain this to you. But the reason is that an elephant can only compete with another elephant. An elephant cannot compete with a dog or a cat. Russia is the only country in this world that has enough nuclear weapons to wipe America off the face of the Earth. So America has only one possible competitor. And competitors in any area known to hate each other.
  7. Well, Vladimir is forced to act cautiously. Of course, he approves of many things in tovarisch Trump's actions. The previous leader of America behaved very rudely with the Russians, believing that America was above this. Tovarisch Trump agreed to equal negotiations. However, such harmful American ideas as the introduction of NATO troops into Ukraine still sound from his lips. Vladimir does not like this very much and is looking for a way to gradually convince Tovarisch Trump of the correctness of Z ideas. However, this takes time - so Vladimir is in no hurry.
  8. Saw a lot of Z guys experiencing patriotic orgasm after reading the latest news from Kursk : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/mar/14/ukraine-kursk-retreat-russia-incursion-peace-negotiations
  9. I am a digital nomad with monthly payments from overseas. I used to think that I can pay tax for 2024 only one time - for example in this month is not too late. But according to this article - https://www.thethailandlife.com/expat-tax-thailand So it turns out that I am late with paying the tax for the first half of 2024 and will get a penalty when I try to pay the tax for the whole of 2024? Or can I still pay the tax without penalties?
  10. Many people criticize Trump. But just look at what he does! He actually organized a halt to military operations to allow NATO troops to enter Ukraine. And the whole world calls it a step towards peace! Isn't it brilliant?
  11. It seems that the understanding has come that the approach "Russia has no nuclear weapons hee hee hahaha we can do everything!" could not be applied forever. After this, US behavior changed. Although for some reason many people associate these changes with the name of the president.
  12. Well, Donald is a political instrument that was not needed before. But after Vladimir rolled out his impressive nuclear balls by changing the nuclear doctrine, this instrument suddenly became unexpectedly needed and the previous instrument that was confident that Russia had no nuclear weapons became irrelevant.
  13. ... with scary strategic nuclear weapons - you forget to mention.
  14. I strongly agree that Ukraine is not a country. It should be called Soviet Republic of Ukraine Separatists that needs a strong tsar to restore order. Glad to see that the Z-ideas are discussed here.
  15. This rumor is based on my wife's opinion who watched TikTok videos of Thai tourists who were grilled by immigration and denied entry to Hong Kong. I also saw a Thai girl who was in line in front of me stand for a very long time and the officer asked her many questions.
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