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  1. The overall trend is to relax visa requirements. This is good. I suppose that the main driver for it is the worldwide problem of depopulation. So I expect that visa requirements will continue to relax. And we will see such news every several months.
  2. He just wants a new generation of conscripts to grow up in Ukraine. But that sounds pretty cruel. So Trump opts for more sentimental arguments.
  3. Immigration officers in any country become very kind once they see that population is decreasing very fast in the country. I think we will see a small decrease in population of Thailand in the nearest 1-2 year. And the next 3-4 year the decrease will be obvious for everyone. Subsequently, stopping depopulation by welcoming immigrants will be the most probable solution for this even in Thailand. And the followers of the traditional approach to immigration policies will be forced to retreat.
  4. This does not work because we all know that Mr. Lavrov does not want to target nuclear weapons at New York where his daughter lives. Neither does Peskov want to target nukes on Paris where his daughter lives. But this cannot work forever. At a certain moment of time the elite will be washed out by ordinary people wanting to survive.
  5. Tanks are 19th century things. Nowadays Russia rely on Iranian flying wonders which are carefully rebranded into Russian ones and are sent to perform denazification procedures in Ukraine.
  6. Our leader, Vladimir, has recently said that Trump has imposed more anti-Russian sanctions than any other president. Putin also mentioned that Harris "laughs so expressively and infectiously that it shows that she is doing well". That`s why Z guys support Harris for President!
  7. Russians were told that European and American lost armed tourists walk everywhere in Ukraine. Maybe all of them already have Ukrainian passports - not sure about this.
  8. Exactly. I respond to "size comparisons" of NATO vs Russia without "political, strategic, and military aspects". So there are simply no any "political, strategic, and military aspects" that will reduce the non-nuclear potential of NATO compared to the same of Russia. As to nuclear things - I have not said anything about the nuclear potential of Russia or NATO - so there's simply nothing to discuss here.
  9. But you have not given a single "political, strategic, and military aspects" why NATO will not use its vastly superior military power. Russian people also don`t see any. So it is still obvious for everyone that Russia will lose the conflict without using nuclear weapons. Whether Russia can use nuclear weapon or not is another separate question which I would not like to discuss.
  10. I know what the leader of Mongolia might be thinking about: "Today I arrest Putin but tomorrow the same court will issue an order to arrest me". That's why Vladimir is sure than nobody will arrest him.
  11. As a Z-Russian I love this thread. Who knows, maybe the USA will be divided into 2 separate countries - Democratic Peoples Republic of America (Democrats) and Republic of America (Republicans). Our leader, Vladimir, would like it for sure.
  12. The funniest thing is... Let's say to anyone here that Russia is 3-4 times bigger than Ukraine and there are no chances for Ukraine in this war because it simply does not have enough soldiers. The answer would be - haha NATO is 6 times bigger than Russia! And then you should say - wait, if it is NATO, Russia should target its nukes to the US cities. The answer would be - haha it is not NATO! we are just helping Ukraine. So if Russia is fighting against NATO(let's consider such a possibility), we should expect only one decision made at a single moment in the future - the nuclear decision. Or, alternatively, there are no chances for Russia to win in a war against NATO which is 6 times bigger.
  13. And what you have said is the clear image of the future international laws in case America becomes the winer of the next world war. If this going to happen, all the countries in the world will be subject to the internal laws of America and its direct vassals. And all this will be called "Freedom" in the true Orwellian style.
  14. Wars are not prohibited by international laws. There are currently about 50 active international military conflicts.
  15. We should distinguish between real international law, which is formed as a result of the latest World War, and the neo-colonial claims of some countries that are trying to extend domestic law to other countries.
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