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  1. This devil Attila Kantor continue scamming people...... If anyone know the women in the picture , please do let her know about this devil. From the picture, she is chinese, and it took in China. Why so many people suffered by this devil , but devil doesn't care , continue committing crimes ., Because no one stand out and say it to the public ! If we keep silence , then we are with the devil !
  2. Attila Kantor --------Antonio Gambino So Attila Kantor, the international criminal, also use this name Antonio Gambino. check about this : https://www.flickr.com/photos/125824379@N07/ He actually posted a lot of pictures on Facebook use Name Attila Kantor, then switch to fake name, Martinez, then realized sth happened, he deleted all the photos. But we still found out his another account on Flickr, most of pictures are took in 2014, before he had been arrested. check out these.
  3. Attila Kantor ——the dangerous low-life <deleted> scamming women all over the world We actually really appreciate The local Thailand News reporting this years ago. This guy actually married to a woman in China name Jinai Yang, check first picture. We were not able to reach out to her to tell this guys criminal activity. For the second picture, the guy posted lately. So if anyone know the lady in second picture, please do let her know this criminal .
  4. You may wonder "Who is Attila Kantor". 2012——was arrested because of property damage in US 2012——was deported from US because of Domestic Violence 2016——Committed lots of crime in South Asia 2019——married with a Chines woman called Jinai Yang for her money. 2020——in Ireland, started scamming again and again. scam people's money more than 30K euro, in so many cities. Finally be kicked out again. Now hiding maybe in Iceland. Remind everyone be careful!!!
  5. Attila Kantor , a Hungarian international criminal. Born in Mors Hungary, Oct 9. 1971. this devil has been committing crime all over the world for decades. The devil usually claim itself as Antonio Gambino, working in US embassy or journalist. If you meet a male, who is around 50, big fat stomach, big nose, barely no teeth. smoking all the time, drinking all the time, talking all the time. Then be careful with this devil. The devil would ask you for money or try to approach you. Please call the police immediately if you meet this devil. All reactions: 11
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