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  1. I think those laws were modified years ago..
  2. Worst president in history especially considering his lack of border security & its ramifications on the economy & security of the country...
  3. In my opinion you would be taxed possibly in your country unless it was less than the gifting limit...but in thailand you would be alright if not a tax resident (180 days in thailand ) and not over 20m baht and your wife also but you would need clarification..and the rules change constantly..
  4. Like the others have said, these were made up political charges that mean nothing in reality and Biden should be the person charged, but will escape because of his mental state... move on as this is all irrelevance..
  5. Go back to your fish & chips you foolish poms while your country is taken from you without a shot fired...
  6. Heard this rubbish for years & they cannot even get a single service yet from Singapore or KL . And of course if you noticed the traffic congestion already in peak season & the new train station, the road system will also need upgrades.. have they planned for that ?
  7. I know a thai who brought a car that still had money to pay on it...so he sold the car to his brother to lose the debt...
  8. Just as last time Trump won, the share market has exploded, which means the economy will do the same...must be doing something right..
  9. Mate I don't need bargirls like you, cause I have a gorgeous wife, as I said on the beach side in huahin condos to rent at 28k, not that I would pay that, as I have my own condo,and if you did some research you would find after 5 years owner ship ther is no capital gains tax payable, but cannot argue with fools as its a no win situation..
  10. This smart dude living in Canada of all places is an expert on thai rentals..like i said buddy 'depending on the location, size & time of year ' in hua hin where i stay on the beach side, over a dozen condos range in price from 18-28 k per month, probably well above your budget price range..maybe the reason you so embarrassed to show your face ?
  11. A 4 million baht condo would rent for about 20-28 thousand baht per month depending on location, age of building & furniture plus length of lease... and if not owned there would be no capital gains when resale..
  12. I have heard this happening several times & recently in northern Thailand.. time for the PM to stand up & show some authority in stopping this in thailand also, (not real good for tourism either) but alas it will all be forgotten in a few months & some bars will continue the sale of this cheap substitute..
  13. Ten wasted years surrounded by ya mates..

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