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  1. Well, this prophylactic reaction is probably based on the experience made these last 25 years or so, because 'everyone' seems to blindly follow the 'american role model' - which inevitably means everyone on the globe must have a phone they call 'smart', and any additional thinking (?) departs from there. Good to hear that you are apparently different. That said, I intend to take my leave of this thread now, I wouldn't expect any more exciting developments to take place here? Bye
  2. Thanks, just saw your reply - I don't receive any notifications. I use my laptop all the time, do not need one they call 'smart' - either via wifi, or if not available, through my 4G phone's modem (tethering), as can be seen in the video quoted earlier. Presently, this arrangement serves my needs, no real need to change anything. But I'll keep your info in store, just in case
  3. Right, I happened to find this path a few minutes after posting. Still learning, haven't developped a scientific approach yet... Thanks a lot
  4. (I checked several GPS-related threads but couldn't find a suitable reply) I have tried to buy a GPS receiver for my laptop, by the looks something like in the annex, and went to Power Buy, but to no avail. Is there any realistic chance to get such a thing here in Pattaya at all, or is it best to just import it from a western sales source, even if it means having to go to the customs post office and pay duties?
  5. Ok, I felt audacious and just sent USSD code *777*7503# That was the one where the SMS message mentioned earlier said (gist of it) Want 25 THB for 1.5 GB during 24 h? Press *777*7503# Few seconds later, I got back a number of commercial texts, then the one that would count (my assessment), reading 5G on-top package 25 THB You have got internet 1.5 GB valid for 24 h Excess usage will be charged as your main package Unfortunately, I forgot to check my balance prior to this operation, but if my memory feeling serves as an indication, then I would say: The 25-THB charge has been deducted from my previously available balance. My spontaneous reaction would be: That seems to make sense. I could live with that. 'Who dares wins'? That should do it for now. I will archive your second post - this one https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/prepaid/add-ons/home Nothing much has changed in that regard. You can just use your SIM base package which will deduct [...] - until I may no longer be happy with this new arrangement - presently it should meet my requirements. Thanks for jump starting me, it really seems I sometimes need it
  6. [I will check your recent message {thankfully received} later, can we continue from our previous stage now that I have done work based on it?] So I just provoked the time-out situation, and after several minutes of swift 4G surfing, I received this text from AIS (minor editing for my personal reading ease): Today you have used internet for 10 baht. If you used until 49 baht you can enjoy unlimited internet until midnight. Buy internet 5G Max speed 25 baht 1.5 GB for 24 h press *777*7503# or 99 B 4 GB 7 days press *777*75502# Could we try to parse this mystery message? Today you have used internet for 10 baht: d'accord If you used until 49 baht you can enjoy unlimited internet until midnight: Huh? Buy internet 5G Max speed...: That's probably irrelevant. The rest seems to be clear; in my words: Want 25 THB for 1.5 GB during 24 h? Press *777*7503# Want 99 THB for 4.0 GB during 7 days? Press *777*75502# Finally, I do not use a 'smart' phone, but a 'feature' phone https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/doro-7010-280-4096-mb-3-mpx-4g-tastenhandy-12236694 Also, I do not use the phone for surfing (would be technically possible), but only its modem, to connect my laptop via 4G to the web (so-called tethering) - the link between laptop and phone modem is established through either USB cable, or wireless (BT, or a kind of wifi). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwPb_5kbm10 Does this have impact on my ability to follow the SMS instructions? And wouldn't I have to register a credit card with the provider, to start with? Or how else am I supposed to make the payment?
  7. Yes, I understand I will finally have to try and advance by trial & error, short of a learning alternative here. Thanks for the nudge
  8. This thread is probably only for those in a similar situation, not least because a meaningful exchange quite likely requires some degree of knowledge or personal experience in this field, something that others will hardly have. And yes, as my ID insinuates, I'm not a member of some contempo influencer, selfie or likewise generation - which should not be mistaken as an assumption of 'ignorance, old fashion' and what have you; more like a different thinking, and maybe not inferior to what has become to be considered as 'modern' --> All the following information stated according to best knowledge When the precursor of today's digital mobile telephony appeared in the late 80s, the european-designed 2G/GSM standard, also prepaid cards were introduced; before that, only payment via credit was available. A usual method (thus not the only one) was to virtually deposit one's credit card in the provider's system; then you could transfer more airtime from the credit card to one's phone account, to which the SIM card was linked. These operations were carried out (and still are) through USSD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unstructured_Supplementary_Service_Data Fx, checking one's balance was done by typing *121# then sending it; a moment later, the balance appeared on the screen. (Providers are free to establish USSD codes themselves, they can therefore vary among providers.) If you wanted more funds to make calls, like 20 'rubles', you would type *137*20# then send; a moment later, your topped-up balance was shown. This was in the era prior to packet-switched data, ie also data calls (internet) were treated like voice calls - by duration not data volume. All this was a convenient system, not least because all that was needed to execute this business was mobile coverage, not an internet connection, nor some 'app'. Reason enough for me to stick with it, instead of thoughtlessly jumping on the manic-raging american 'innovation' bandwaggon, just because 'everyone else' does it. Around the mid-90s, 3G/UMTS started to appear, and with it data packet switching ('always on') that offered charging data consumption by volume, rather than duration. Also, simultaneous voice calls and internet surfing became possible. It was also the time when special data tariffs were introduced. But you were free to just use your existing pre-paid balance also for data, if you so wished - no need to have a designated balance ear-marked for data usage. Of course, I also have a laptop, and I usually use it via wifi. If there's no wifi and there's an 'urgent' need for internet access, then I connect the laptop to the mobile network via my 4G phone's modem - a process called tethering. The link between laptop and phone is established by wire (USB), or if without, then through Bluetooth or a kind of wifi. This situation doesn't arise very often, so until now I have felt no need to better understand how the prepaid systems for voice and data relate to each other in necessary detail. It would also be hard to find out here; even if one happens to speak sufficient thai, one would have to find an expert able and willing to explain how this is set up - good luck with that! Presently, when my wifi is down (happens occasionally), then I just access the web via tethering. This works fine for the first five minutes, but then I receive a text from AIS on my phone telling me that for continued speed, I must buy a data package that costs 'so much' and will last 'so long'. If I ignore that and continue on my existing balance, speed will be throttled (it's still usable but feels less comfortable), theoretically until my balance has been consumed. So I'm actually considering now to get such a data package, for such contingencies, but would prefer to know the inter-working between these two - thus pre-payment for data and voice services. Would anyone knowledgeable be interested to exchange thoughts?
  9. Somehow, the link didn't come with it - won't try again, here it is https://www.sutisa.com/
  10. Wondering if this is the maker? Unfortunately no response from Louis.
  11. Thanks for your input. My spontaneous reaction is, I think I will sleep over it .)
  12. ...go to the next thread) Could it be someone with certain interest in garb has noticed this kind of t-shirts (annex). According to the label, the maker's brand is Sutisa, but there's nothing really one can find about it on the web. That would not be worth mentioning if not their sales structure suffered from certain, country-typical (my impression) deficits. If you're interested, let me give you the details, as I gradually could find out, with some degree of likelihood. Hardly surprising, they come in different colours and sizes. I bought the one I'm looking for years ago at the Rompho market. The dealer there just seems to get a delivery once in a while, without caring much, then puts the ware on display and charges those purchasing. Ie any interest or even ambition is not recognisable. Presently, the situation is that I can get the colour desired (grey) but not the size (XL) - they always come in M. Asking him, he keeps telling me they're finitt, even getting kind of angry if I insist. And insist I do, because the same is very well available in XL, but in white. So it looks like the wholesaler this retailer gets his commodities from is sleeping, and he won't ask them - or should I say ask plus wake them up to their assumed failure - such an acting pattern just is not the thai thing. The two theoretical way-out scenarios I could imagine are finding the data of the wholesaler (something he apparently won't cooperate with), or finding another retailer who is more ambitious. How would you solve this situation? Or could it be someone has by chance been in the same situation and is willing to share the solution to the secret?
  13. Their own technical interest might supersede any concern held. You realise that I would be in the same situation? I would be willing to take my chances, just because among my acquaintances here is no-one having -> Skype and laptop And it would probably be a session over a cup of coffee.
  14. I can see almost 200 readers since posting but no replies: It doesn't look like a success story. Over & out
  15. I would like to see how screen sharing works in practice, ie seen from both ends. Would there be someone who is in the same situation?
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