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  1. Everything I was told here has been proven to be completely false. First, I was granted a non-B visa from abroad with no problem. Immigration said my ED visa was expired while I was out of the country and when I left the country without a reentry permit, that visa was essentially null and void. I was under no obligation to cancel it before I left. I did get a sense that *might* not be true for everyone, but I didn't inquire. I now have a one year extension with a multiple entry permit on a non-B visa based on my work permit and I did my first 90 day notification, all without fines or problems. I thought it was important to clarify this here in case someone reads it in the future.
  2. Whatever happened to this? Not a word in English media since the original story.
  3. The intended departure date should be the date you are leaving. You will have 90 days (or whatever amount of time they grant you ) to enter and stay in Thailand starting from the day your visa is APPROVED. If your departure date is next year, then you should not be applying now.
  4. So is there a way for me to fix this or do I just need to wait and see if they fine me? My last 90 day extension was completed around March 1, so I am probably nearly past the fine cap anyway.
  5. I had an education visa in Thailand. I didn't have a multiple entry permit. I left in April. I was told that it would be automatically cancelled when I left the country. I believe it would have expired in August had I not left. Now the issue is that I have a job offer and I am going to apply for a non-b visa. I remember when I was previously offered a job when I had an active ed visa (I didn't accept the job), they wanted me to go cancel the education visa before I left the Thailand to apply for a non-b. I never actually cancelled the ed visa. Is there any way I can check or confirm that my old ed visa is not going to interfere with my new nonB application? I would like to know before I submit the application for the nonB.
  6. The visa for the country I am applying in. I'm applying in Australia, so they want to see that I have an Australian visa.
  7. I have already logged in, started the application and even emailed them with my nationality just to make sure. They confirmed I can do it and they also told me that a copy of my visa is acceptable to prove location (my original question).
  8. So I have a job, the company is currently preparing my work permit and sponsorship letter. What kind of document indicates my current location (no. 3) ? A copy of my visa only indicates I got the visa and my passport wasn't stamped. Has anyone used this new system for a work related visa yet? Would be grateful to hear tips, tricks, or pitfalls.
  9. Does anyone have their latest contact? The Facebook link is dead and I lost access to my Line account.
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