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  1. Thanks for the reply. The problem is, for the first time the actual 7162 they have sent is 3 pages - the Privacy Information that used to be on Page 1 is on a page 3. (The instructions are still on a different page - and I never send the instructions back.). So this “page 3 of 3” with the Privacy Information is technically part of the actual 7162 form. So should I send it back? Thanks for your help!
  2. HELP HELP HELP!!!!! I just received my 7162 for 2024 and my 7162 form is 3 pages for the first time this year (with all the privacy stuff now on a separate “page 3”). Of course the instructions don’t say whether to send back just the 1 page double sided signed form (pages 1 and 2) or to also send back the page “3 of 3“ which is just privacy stuff. What is everyone doing? I assume this is all automated with machines when SS receives them, so don’t want to screw it up. Super appreciate knowing what you guys are doing. Thanks!
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