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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. I don't care if you think it fits a certain narrative. The Captain is GOD in the skies, and he does what he wants.
  2. Bought where?
  3. I used travel insurance to go to the USA, and then increased the length. There was a limit of a year or two.
  4. A very smart Ugandian Woman served me tea like this. It's delicious. Do you have any other good tea ideas?
  5. Everything in life can be reigned in.
  6. Don't get your panties in a twist. This is a problem I never have and I suggest you adopt free ball Friday for all days.
  7. It always has to be cooked in a super hot cast iron skillet.
  8. No, the PIC or pilot in command is responsible for everything.
  9. Why would the crew not declare an emergency? Would this action cause a loss of face?
  10. The Captain should be admonished for NOT DECLARING an EMERGENCY. Then he lands where he wants. Air traffic controllers do not RULE the sky. Pilots rule the sky.
  11. You have a vulgar talent, sir.
  12. You pay too much. I pay 150b for a 300g NZ steak. Thai steak can only be eaten by buffalo. I prefer my meat to be smooth and silky to the touch.
  13. Spices and herbs. I am partial to using fresh rosemary. Nothing rubs my meat better. What's on your meat? My meat comes originally from either NZ or AU.
  14. 6 minutes
  15. The op is looking for heavy cream now. The nudniks here call it whipping cream. My usual cream cannot be found in any store. Butter doesn't require refrigeration. Maybe it has more fat. I use butter and cream together. As to #5, you can go *$*#$* yourself. Your erection or lack thereof is your issue. Try drugs.
  16. I like the taste of butter in coffee. Ghee is excellent, but I would have to make or buy it.
  17. I'm chasing nothing but age.
  18. Ladyboys are getting fat too.
  19. I disagree. Ladyboys have something that women will never have, and they lack things that women have. It's not my cup of tea, neither the fatties or the ladyboys.
  20. So why aren't you dating ladyboys? Inside every ladyboy is someone with a huge heart. You are availing yourself, right?
  21. He's a chubby chaser. That's ok, I'm glad there are those that desire a nice fat woman.
  22. It seems fair to have a fair dispute and try to kill the one disputing it. It makes sense to me. Welcome to the land of Optional Thinking.
  23. Yes, you could do that. There are other ways, too.
  24. What should we be seeing? We see too much. A Thai Woman of 21 and 65 kilos but a squat 5 foot 1, tells me she doesn't take care of herself. She doesn't care. That's sad. I swipe left on all of them, and I feel bad for every one of them, but here is the main reason: I don't want to have to go searching for the clitoris and find it by pushing away fat. Sorry, that isn't fun.
  25. The fatties outweigh the skinnies.
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