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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. You have yet to learn about any conversation between them. You would make a poor investigator.
  2. It's despicable to steal money while pretending to have a night out. Go pound sand.
  3. Don't call them, go there. Get video footage if you can. Is there any chance your x drives a taxi?
  4. Offer the police a cut of what you can recover. The police here are well known for certain talents. I'm assuming your x wife is Thai. Thais are afraid of the police. Use it to your advantage.
  5. Stop listening to fools and miscreants. Listen only to me. Go to the police. Embellish your story so it is in your favor. You have nothing more to lose.
  6. Scumbags. I just canceled my subscription.
  7. Demanding they exit the car, is kidnapping. They should be charged.
  8. It is endemic among 18 to 21 year old women.
  9. Do you wait for the cow to expire?
  10. You sound like a Thai. Nothing exasperates the GF but to put butter in her soup.
  11. You're in fine company on mine, too. Run from the truth. Bye bye
  12. I hate people who hate butter, but I never tell.
  13. The photo is taken from the front. How can you tell how thick it is? You can't. Stop making up crap.
  14. You may thank me for bringing the receipts.
  15. You tried to hurt my feelings. Say you are sorry.
  16. I have to say, my meat looks much better than yours.
  17. You used the word "dumbing?" It's pitiful that you would say such a thing.
  18. It's funny that your dentist didn't advise you to brush your teeth.
  19. Of this, I have no doubt.
  20. Sure I do. Americans don't have a license. We are certificated pilots. I am 100 percent sure of this. I'm not claiming to be a certificated pilot. I am one. You can wave your arms, cry, and whine all day. This doesn't change.
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